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DayZ Steam group

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hmm me and a few others started one a week or so ago...it died out tho as we all play at different times. its hard to find a person to link up with every day.

Ive got 2 others I play with regularely, our trio is pretty good.

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Joined the group, looking for EU players to group up with!

Steam: asm0dai

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Can't wait to try this tomorrow! Just read about this mod on the Penny Arcade forums in a post that went up today. You might get a small influx of non-dickhead players as we had a fairly decent ARMA II group going for a while.

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Hows it going I am from 21st Rangers Battalion, we are an expert clan which is based on millitary-strategy in DayZ. we are open to all age groups and currently we have Australian, UK, and American players.

Our Clan Forum is here: http://dayzmod.com/f...en-recruitment/

You can send us an application here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEVGWjhyZW9pQUZqU2wya0pVaVQ3ZWc6MQ#gid=0

Hope to hear back from you, Whendrix502

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