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This game is a Masterpiece as far as the thinking behind it. Everything anyone who is a fan of survival games would love. The programming behind the ideas is HORRIBLE. My suggestion to anyone who wants this game is ... DONT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. Wait till this is out of beta and actually fun to play. You will spend most your time in DayZ fighting bugs.


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I'm wasting my money on a free mod? Please, go into detail on that.

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Nah, they better grab it quick before it gets anymore harder ;)

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It's also fun to be able to "grow" with the game. I mean last week we were able to respawn whenever we want to get a prime starting location for looting. It's a fun game and there are problems, but don't be bitter, people should know what they're getting themselves into.

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Most of the bugs and gameplay issues are a direct or indirect result of Rocket's attempt to make this mod within the limitations of the ARMA II engine. Also, hackers.

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This game is a Masterpiece as far as the thinking behind it. Everything anyone who is a fan of survival games would love. The programming behind the ideas is HORRIBLE. My suggestion to anyone who wants this game is ... DONT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. Wait till this is out of beta and actually fun to play. You will spend most your time in DayZ fighting bugs.


Troll, dont bite guys.

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He's probably referring to the fact that many DayZ players bought ArmA II for the mod, but still, I at least did my homework before I just went and bought a game out of the blue. I'd like to hope that other's did too and had at least some sort of expectations for the game and how it worked so far.

Wait till it's out of beta? We're not even out of Alpha!

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Damn kids are spoild to death. You realize this is an ALPHA the ALPHA comes before the BETA. An ALPHA is going to be even more broke than any BETA you have played. The MOD is developed around another game that ROCKET DOES NOT HAVE SOURCE CODE FOR.

TLDR Go play CoD on a console.

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There's more to Arma 2 than just DayZ anyways. I'd suggest buying the game and playing something else on it, like Vanilla Arma, or ACE, or one of those Life RPG servers.

Don't decide not to buy the game just because you don't like DayZ

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