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n0Va (DayZ)

advantage of save action?

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Hey ppl,

as in the title mentioned why is it good to use the save action on vehicles/tents?

I rather found results about this topic by using search engines.

I tried the following on my server:

I put an valueless item into the gear of a truck and used the save action. Afterwards I tabbed to my browser window and restarted the server.

After my relogin in DayZ the gear of the truck was emty.

How can I store items on my server permanently that they survive a server restart?

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Update your server with the latest patch and hotfix. Sorted.

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The server is up to date (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417).

*edit*: I just saw this is the wrong section. Please can a moderator move my topic to troubleshooting section?

Edited by n0Va

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