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2 looking for a group

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Me and my friend recently died after a long playthrough, now we are looking to kill with some other players. We are looking for basically any kind of group with like 3-4 people not a group of like 10+. Let us know


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I'll Join You Where We Gonna Meet Up?

My Steam Name Is SavageAlien

Edited by ItsSlurpee

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Hi there, you guys sound like exactly the sort of players we look for to join our community. We're the BSB Network, an established stable gaming community for fair and mature gamers. We've been around since 2002 and have an in-house clan for the more dedicated gamers, but we're open to everyone. We have no age/skill/time requirements, all we as if for players to play fair and have a bit of common sense.

Our members come from across the globe and are on at all hours but all speak English and are mostly adults over the age of 20 (most well over that!). We facilitate smaller groups of players teaming up and are presently in the process of organising a large scale more organised group with better objectives and community aims. We use TS3 and have loads of contacts playing through the day and night.

If you are interested you should check out our website and hop on our TS3 server for more details!

Website is www.bsbnetwork.com

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Put your playtime/real world location, it will be handy for finding the fittest group.

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We are getting off for a little bit, when we are playing again I will PM some of you guys. Btw we are GMT-5(east coast usa) and generally play alot in the morning and afternoon, and sometimes a little at night,

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