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The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

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Due to the overwhelming amount of times this thread has been made, I'm making a definitive one to rule them all.

Add certain vehicle spawn locations and I'll pop them in the OP list. No hearsay please.

BAF OFFROAD spawns at Dubrovka, at the crossroad next to a fence.

BAF OFFROAD spawns at Blunt Rocks.

UAZ spawns in central Dolina.

UAZ spawns near NE airfield hangars and control tower.

UAZ spawns at Stary Military Camp.

UAZ spawns at International Hotel in Chern.

UAZ spawns at Green Mountain.

UAZ spawns half sunken on the edge of Black Lake SE of NEAF.

UAZ spawns at NW airfield in the walled-in area beside the firehouse.

3 ATVs spawn at the most western house in Tulga.

2 ATVs spawn at top of mountain dirt trail NW of NWAF.

2 ATVs spawn at Green Mountain.

1 ATV spawns on the main road west of Elektrodzavosk.

A MOTORBIKE spawns outside Berezino hospital.

2 CARS spawn at the three Gorka barns,

2 CARS spawn at the gas station east of Gorka.

2 CARS spawn at the Zelenogorsk supermarket.

A HUEY spawns at NWAF north part of the runway.

A HUEY spawns at the top of ROG castle.

A HUEY spawns in the hangar at the NEAF.

A HUEY spawns on the roof of the north-most hospital in Chernogorsk.

A WHITE HILUX spawns beside a house near the southern barns/factory area.

A WHITE HILUX spawns in the Prigor gated/fenced-off area.

A BUS spawns immediately SW of Vybor and sits on the road.

A BUS spawns at the Polana general store.

A BUS spawns in the large barn north of Zelenogorsk.

A BUS spawns outside the apartment complexes in Berezino.

A BUS spawns in the big red warehouse at Kozlovka.

A BUS spawns in the main square in Chernogorsk.

A BUS spawns in the field near the Elektrozavodsk power plant.

A HATCHBACK spawns in the small complex between Drakon and Elektrodzavosk.

A HATCHBACK spawns at the North West of Tulga.

A RED SEDAN spawns just south of Prigor.

A RED SEDAN spawns in a compound one building west of the TEC building in Elektrodzavosk.

A RED SEDAN spawns in the Red Warehouse in Dolina.

A RED SEDAN spawns in the factory area of Berezino.

A BOAT spawns near the lighthouse west of Elektrodzavosk.

2 BOATS spawn near Nizhnoye harbor.

2 BOATS spawn at Otmel's dock.

Also, really good job on the map Darkki. I'll update it to the main post.

EDIT: For all the new additions.

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definitive one to rule them all.

The enemy has finally revealed himself' date=' the [i']Rocketship of Chernarus must make its way to devil's castle and finish this once and for all!.

Note: Pack enough wood and AIDS medication, the enemy has found a way to turn the weather against us free peoples of Middle Chernarus

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HUEY at the NE Airstrip.


[PATY] Swish was killed. poor guy. I bet he thought he could make friends in cherno.

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Really, it's a very good idea.

But since vehicles don't respawn, and they almost always are moved by players, it's near impossible to get a vehicle using this list.

Anyway, a BAF Offroad spawns at Dubrovka at the crossroad next to a fence.

Also, a Hatchback spawns at the North West of Tulga.

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once a vehicle disappears or is destroyed, does it ever respawn? or does the server have to reset again?

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There is a HUEY at the Starry Military base on US12 however it has a constant fuel leak, and its hull can't be repaired, it simply eats all your scrap metal without any noticeable progress.

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There is a HUEY at the Starry Military base on US12 however it has a constant fuel leak' date=' and its hull can't be repaired, it simply eats all your scrap metal without any noticeable progress.


What colour is the huey? Is it one of the lootables, or is it a dark green colour?

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There is a HUEY at the Starry Military base on US12 however it has a constant fuel leak' date=' and its hull can't be repaired, it simply eats all your scrap metal without any noticeable progress.

[/quote']Problems with a vehicle is entirely dependent on that vehicle in that server, this is just highlighting possible spawning locations which people have found.

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Spotted an ATV on the main road west of Electro just past the last few houses plus a boat not far from that location on the East side of the lighthouse a little further West from Electro.

The boat seamed like it was just out of gas so I'm not sure if it spawned there, the ATV on the other hand was missing a wheel and it's engine was broken it was also out of fuel.

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Gratz MR DELICIOUS on your promotion. Couldn't have been a better choice.

That being said, may I suggest that you add dots on a picture of chernarus indicating vehicules spawns for a more comprehensive list?

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I hate to be a picky sod, but could you not list it in groups such as.




If need be I'll arange it all.

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once a vehicle disappears or is destroyed' date=' does it ever respawn? or does the server have to reset again?


I haven't experienced vehicles yet but I believe that they stay exactly where they are forever until the server resets. They do not "disappear" nor explode. If they break down, they stay there until someone else repairs it and takes it. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to know the truth as well).

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Gratz MR DELICIOUS on your promotion. Couldn't have been a better choice.

That being said' date=' may I suggest that you add dots on a picture of chernarus indicating vehicules spawns for a more comprehensive list?


Sure, I'll try to get around to it.

Also, thanks for the congratulations.

I hate to be a picky sod' date=' but could you not list it in groups such as.




If need be I'll arange it all.


Two lists would be great. I'll name the current one as "By vehicle," and you can compile the secondary by location. I'll put yours in the top post as we go.

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A bus spawns in the big red warehouse at Kozlovka.

Can confirm this, I was going to post this as well.

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2 BOATS near Nizhnoye harbour

Seen on EU9 (I believe it was) yesterday.

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I found and repaired a Heuy on the roof of the north-most hospital in Chernogorsk. Cannot confirm if this is a spawn location however.

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Red car spawns in a compound 1 building west of TEC building in Elektro. I helped some guy build the car up for an hour before logging off.

Edit: Hueys spawn at hospitals, I forgot if that was mentioned already

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A UAZ also spawns at NW airfield in the walled in area west of the firehouse.

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Military Offroad spawns at Blunt Rocks.

A BUS spawns on main square in Chernogorsk.

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Found a bus in the field near the Elektrozavodsk power plant / fire house.

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