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Noob fails to murder

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So earlier today i was walking through a city with loads of gear (winchester with around 7 mags, a revolver with 3, a tent, plenty of food and water, binoculars, map, and compass, and watch ) when all of a sudden i see light from a flare. So i slowly made it to a building with large windows (looked like a lobby of a hotel) then i saw an aggroed zombie running in the courtyard so i look through my binoculars and see a guy with a ghille suit and what looked like an m4 or an m16. instead of sneaking up behind him i stupidly thought i could shoot through the windows so i shot twice failing to break the window and kill him so i panic-ed and hid from him luckily i didnt die and i still have my stuff

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Lesson learned, lucky your not dead really.

If he wasn't a threat to you, you should've stayed hidden, you'll survive much longer that way. Also, you can't loot a ghillie from someone that's wearing it.

Have fun.

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Well you are very lucky for not being dead. Normally i would observe the enemy, staying hidden of course. Don't straight away shoot, see the areas the person can escape and where he is, if you have one throw a smoke grenade right at him, if he's stupid he'll move. Zombies love smoke grenades, attracting zombies to the player is great making someone else do the dirt work for you. Zombies aren't all that bad if you want to kill someone.

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