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Looking for an Organized Squad/Team or atleast a trustworthier Partner

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Well after Playing Dayz only alone quite a time im now looking forward to team up with someone, because Teamplay is way much more fun and the feeling having someone holding your Back is also great.

The Topic mainly says it all.

Q and A Section.

For how long you playing Dayz now?

For about... let me lie... barely 2 weeks.

Have you been Survivor friendly, a Bandit or KoS player?

I have always been Survivor friendly even if i most of the time regreted that choice.

Why would you want to join a Squad/Team or have a Partner if you getting along pretty well alone?

Cause in a Team its way more fun and just been alone all the time is boring. 2 Dayz before i found 2 Ghilie suit and a Tent i could only wear 1 while the other well....i needed too leave it behind 'insert sadly tear here'. I`am a Support/Supplier Player and i hate it every time i need to leave good loot behind me cause there is nobody to share it with and ofc i like been "THAT GUY" that got everything you need;).

As a sign of trust i would be willing to give away a M24/M14 Aim with ammo and also 6x DMR Mags/2x M104 Mags and also 2 Camo Clothing but i would like to keep on of them for myself:=).

And if you ask nicely even my second Box of Matches.

Did you steal that stuff mentioned above?

No i just run from the coast, after i got killed by a Sniper again a day before, straight to Stary Sobor and looted the tents in the dawn. On the way back to the south i stumbled over a Heli Crash side. Yes i am a lucky Bastard.

I speak English als auch Deutsch, anfragen von deutscher seite sind also auch gerne gesehen.

If you got anymore Question before even considering hooking up with me feel free to ask them.


Edited by Collja

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I'm trying to get a group together right now. I have been playing roughly the same amount of time as you, but I just lost all my good gear. =/

Anyway, do you have Steam or a VoIP? If so, what is your name on said service(s)?

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Hey Guys,

We are not bandits but we are not in the business of getting face stomped by other teams either. We go by the rules avoid if possible engage if target or situation requires action.

I am part of a small gaming community who is expanding a new division in Day Z. We have already picked up a few players and would like to bring in enough solid players to have 2-3 small groups or can dominate coordinating together on a larger Op. We have forums, a mumble server and a website. We have a mature no douche policy and community who choose it members, we work together. Contact me at any of the info below.

In-game name: Apex

Skype: Arithor.ck

Steam: Arithor

Day Z clan thread:http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48588-code-killers-are-recruiting/

CK Website:www.codekillers.net

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Check out mydayz.de, you should find a partner or group of dedicated players in our forums. There are actually several people searching and some squads need additional players too.

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