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Glowing halo around zombies?

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Hi all! So...i logged in yesterday for an hour and i noticed that all zombies were displaying some sort of glowing circle that covered their head and chest.

Unfortunately, i didn't realise to get a screenshot of that, but i'll try to do it today if needed.

The thing is that this glowing circle makes 2 annoying things:

1) Zombies can be easily identified for a long distance.

2) Zombies can also be seen behind structures, like buildings, cars, etc.

I noticed that this also occurs with animals.

So...this is the first time i've noticed that. Is it a bug? Is it maybe some sort of issue with that specific server?

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Ugh...so i was on a ultra mega newbie server? =/

Thanks for the quick answer. Since i don't really log in on the same server when i play, i'll have to check that out before entering next time! =)

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