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Thoughts on Infected

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Small changes but big game impact?

Too late didn't read: infected need to be much more deadly (once AI is fixed).

I feel the infected are too easy and as soon as their AI (pathfinding and combat) is fixed they should be made much harder.

Infected should hit you when they catch up and they should carry on running in buildings (I know will be fixed).

First it will stop fresh-spawn-tryhards from sprinting to Cherno/Elektro and grabbing a pistol/rifle and starting a war. Cities should be rife with infected to avoid this. It will increase survivability gameplay and make this game more 'infected oriented.'

Also, make item spawns even rarer (inb4 it is too hard already; inb4 it will force players to go into cities):

- When you actually think about it, after getting on your feet getting food/water is too easy. Of course new players will have an even harder time against hoarding but it will force them to go to small towns (which by then will hopefully have enterable buildings) and leave the big squads to raid large cities against mass zombies for supplies that will sustain their big groups.

- Raiding large cities should be foremost a challenge, and not a deathmatch which has been comically portrayed in the DayZ gallery.

And on an off note:

In my humble opinion, the respawns are a bit iffy. Sometimes you will be approaching a town filled with infected and another a few will spawn in extreme proximity.

Tell me what you think.

Edited by Apelo
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