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Competition / Meta Game ideas?

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So my friends have been looking at ideas for some Games to play within with "volunteers" in DayZ to pass the time and amuse themselves when Survival gets too easy =p

Here are a few ideas we've had so far, comments and suggestions welcome.

Lets see how imaginative / sadistic you can be ^_^

Russian Roulette DayZ Style

6 admins place 6 Satchel Charges dressed in identical Ghilles who then shuffle.

2 Survivors choose a satchel charge to stand on (suitably spaced) then take it in turns to designate an admin to detonate their satchel charge.

First one to get 'sploded looses :)

Bear trap speed run,

2 Competitors have to navigate a bear trap maze to get to the prize tent.

Last one to the tent gets shot in the head by our resident sniper =p

(Assuming they didn't mess up and hit a trap in which case they will be left to bleed out)

Alternate version has both survivors wearing NVG (winner keeps them) through a darkened maze.

Admins will throw flares and shine lights to try and disorientate the players.

Lucky Dip

Similar to the Hatchet Arena but there will be a few tents, some MAY contain firearms, some MAY contain ammo, some may contain both, some may have empty tin cans.

There WILL be a single hatchet and crowbar in the centre, take your chances.

Zombie Coral

We have a concept that will allow us to heard multiple zombies using flares from nearby deer huts which we will coral into fenced off areas.

If this works we'll have one man vs a horde with a random weapon decided by means yet to be decided.

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Why not just make the winner face the horde at the end of all the "games" :D if he wins...give him his life and uber stuffs :D


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