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Kain (DayZ)

Hackers on AU2

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Sorry I don't have any footage but some hackers on AU2 have been causing what looks to be the entire server to spawn in one area regardless of where you where on the server. Once you are forced to spawn they go on a shooting spree killing everyone. This happened twice in the span of 15 to 20 min around 1200 GMT. I don't know what you can do about it but I thought I would at least let you guys know. If any one has footage please link it.

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Was also just on AU2, Hosted by iPGN. Beginning at approx 2200hrs EST Tuesday 31/07/2012, all players got "Thunderdomed" about 4-5 times in the space of 15 mins. Same deal, shooting spree. I have nearly each time recorded on FRAPS.

Any suggestions who I can send footage to, or if I need to upload it to somewhere? Not sure if it really captures who did it, but it certainly shows it happening.

Happy to assist in any way.


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the hacker is a guy named "cameron" in your server list... he was doing the exact same thing to us 238 before

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Heres a screenshot of the player list from the first occurance, can't see that name in the list though.


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