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I die every day

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But I feel I'm getting better. At first I died just to a general lack of knowing what to do. Then I just started to get careless in terms of aggro-ing Zombies. I had my first experience of PVP to otherday when someone back hacked me with a hatchet whilst I was dealing with a zomb. Crippled me but I took him down as he legged it off. Spent the next hour desperately trying to find some morphine but eventually bled to death.

Yesterday was my first real bandit experience. Got headshot in a grocery by a full camo lurker and then hunted by a group on my next respawn.

Got to say it's been fun, though now i'd like to make it through a night of play without dieing. I'll get there i am sure, with every death I learn a little more.

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Thats the attitiude to have mate - sometimes the PvP gets people down but always try not to curse too much and get back in the saddle :)

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Great to see someone not bitching about about being killed by bandits. Even if they are the ones who are cunts and camp at the coast.

You should move north and mingle with us true bandits who have class and morals.

Cheers mate and have some beans. :beans:

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Same for me i have survived 1 and a half day now and i have pretty good guns but if you just want to stay alive stay out of cherno and some parts of electro.

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Same for me i have survived 1 and a half day now and i have pretty good guns but if you just want to stay alive stay out of cherno and some parts of electro.

If you want to stay alive move north and be sneaky.

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my most frustrating death was basically crippling myself by closing a door on myself... then bleeding to death, in a grocery store, surrounded by lewts

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I am still fairly new to this, but I learn to get better everyday. Everyone dies eventually. I had an m14 and 1911. Survived for a few days. Died. I had an AS-50 (whatever it is called) (found it in a firehouse?) and revolver, died. I now have a pdw, makarov, and a lee enfield. Eventually, I will die.

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Just head to a big city when you spawn, grab everything you can, then head north and hit some deer stands and whatnot. It isn't too hard to survive once you have the tools to hunt animals and water bottles and stuff. :)

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Yeah I gotta say I've had a lot of fun in the past 3 days since I started playing with my friend.

I had the most hilarious PvP encounter today. My friend and I today were in a building in Pusta looking for loot. While my friend was afk, two guys come running in the house and split up into 2 different rooms. One of them ended up looking right at me and I guess he thought I was his buddy because he continued looting. He then looked in the other room and saw my friend afk and his buddy next to him but didn't know who was who and he accidently shot at his own friend and killed him. I then shot him in the back lol. They both had no clue what just happened. After that we attracted like 30 zombies and killed them all.

We entered that building with hatchets and Lee Enfields and left with AK-74s and M4s without a scratch on us. XD

Edited by Pikdum

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I'm really tempted to go onto the highest pop server i can find and see how long i can escourt noobs through elekctro untill i die.

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Yeah I gotta say I've had a lot of fun in the past 3 days since I started playing with my friend.

I had the most hilarious PvP encounter today. My friend and I today were in a building in Pusta looking for loot. While my friend was afk, two guys come running in the house and split up into 2 different rooms. One of them ended up looking right at me and I guess he thought I was his buddy because he continued looting. He then looked in the other room and saw my friend afk and his buddy next to him but didn't know who was who and he accidently shot at his own friend and killed him. I then shot him in the back lol. They both had no clue what just happened. After that we attracted like 30 zombies and killed them all.

We entered that building with hatchets and Lee Enfields and left with AK-74s and M4s without a scratch on us. XD

Hahaha that's amazing.

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What you need is a couple of trustworthy friends to back you up. Just a couple of things I came across as useful:

1. Never get careless. When you kinda figure out how zombies work, it's easy to get careless and it'll KILL you sooner or later.

2. Never trust ANYONE, unless you have a good reason to trust them. Yesterday night I came across this guy that seemed pretty alright. We looted some buildings together and then, out of nowhere, we started to get shot at. I got picked off, but he never caught a bullet, so I'm kinda thinking that he lured me into a trap that his friends set. Just to make it clear; I think I had been scavenging with him for a good hour.

3. When you're joining a crowded server, always use your binoculars (if you have them already) to scout rooftops and all that. Take your time. The loot and the zombies are going to be there, whether you make some preperations or not. If you're hidden well, you may actually see a couple of players running around while scouting. SCOUTING IS IMPORTANT!

4. When you panic you make mistakes.

I'm a noob myself, but hey, you pick things up quickly in an environment like this.

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