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US 631 - BroBro

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Server - US 631

Time - 6:05pm GMT+10

So we were flying around in our brand new fixed helicopter. After a friend jumped out and died, we picked him up, and headed north.

I was coming in to land the heli when I suddenly pass out and die almost instantly. At first I thought that I came in too hot, but all my friends died at the exact same time, and the helicopter didn't blow up. There were also 3 others on the server that were not with us. Lordschnaps (I think), Jacob and BroBro. Lordschnaps and Jacob both died, but BroBro did not and he disconnected instantly.

We lost 4 ghillie's, 4 NVG's, an AS50, an Mk 48, range finders, coyote backpacks, the lot. Not to mention our helicopter that we spent hours and hours on is most likely gone.

BroBro, you're a joke.

TL;DR - Flying in a helicopter, everyone on server is insta killed except BroBro who instantly disconnects

Edited by AussieStig

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