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Talk about a bad night??

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I'm still pretty new to the mod, but really this mod has just sucked all the joy out my life in a matter of minutes. I login to a server and run into a down helicopter, talk about luck! Last night I got a MP5SD6 with lots of ammo from a deer stand. So I'm searching through the helicopter and find a FN FAL AN/PVS-4, sweet, then a Ghillie suit, then a freaking L85A2 AWS(with ammo). I take the Ghillie suit and the AWS. I get away and start playing with the AWS sights and stuff. I did get hit by some Zombies and am shaking, out of pain killers. I so decided to go to a different server, it is getting dark on one I'm on. Switch servers, try to put the AWS in my backpack and take the MP5SD6, but I screw up and try to put the AWS in instead of taking the MP5SD6 out. So it disappears into oblivion. I spend a good twenty minutes looking on the ground for it before accepting my fate. But I had the bright idea to go back to the other server and pickup the FN FAL. Luckily it was still there. Pick it up in my backpack and the ammo. Leave the scene and logout to get some food and a break.

I log back in on another server and no FN FAL, it didn't save my progress. I'm so bummed.

Edited by TheBaldr

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Rule number 1 - never get attached to your gear because you will lose it :) I had an L85A2 and came to a stand off with a survivor, had him lined up through the bushes with thermal scope on. *click*. Look at ammo, 0 ammo. Check bags. Ammo there, why is it 0? Turns out I didn't swap weapons before logging on and it hadn't registered the clips. He took me out with his AK. In a fire fight I should have won, I didnt.

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ive done the same thing with a ghillie suit before. just cant logout immediatly after picking something up it seems.

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