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Forget about the hackers.

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Forget it guys. DayZ devs don't care about hackers. The only times I died were to hackers, and those were from really long lives as well. But you know what? The DayZ devs don't care about our personal problems regarding hackers. They don't talk to the Arma 2 devs about the hacking problem. They received their money from everyone who bought Arma 2 just for DayZ, even from the hackers. It's all about the money. They have yours already. They're probably not going to do a single real thing about it (ENGINE UPDATE) until the game sees a very low population, which probably isn't going to happen any time soon due to more new players (MORE MONEY).

Just give it up and stop playing the game. These people don't care about you, and the people destroying your fun don't care about you, so why even stay involved? It's not worth it anymore, trying to play this game and getting the consequences of direct contact with sociopaths, while the only people that can help you are ignoring you. I only wish at this point that I could get a refund.

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I am under the unprofessional opinion that you are a moron.

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So leave. Door is over there >>>

You aren't going to convince anyone to stop doing something they enjoy. The greifers got what they wanted from you. Made you cry..

Bye bye then.

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Though this is probably over stated...

Game is in alpha. There is so much for this team to do that you can't expect them to drop the entire game development + their personal lives to fight hackers. That is what Battle eye is for, if you have an issue with the hack detection system. Take it up with Battle eye. Not the developers.

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You know Alpha actually applies here unlike EVERY other post i see someone say it in.

They're developing content and bug-fixes as they should be. Should something more be done? Hell yeah! Will it? Probably not for a while. BattlEye is doing what they can, but they it's near impossible to prevent hacking on this engine.

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You know Alpha actually applies here unlike EVERY other post i see someone say it in.

Wrong.. The cheating problem is with the ARMA 2 developers, not the dayz developers, I've mentioned this like 50 times now but ppl just keep shouting bullshit here on the dayZ forums rather then going to the arma 2 forums and bitch there.

Since the cheating problem has nothing whatsoever to do with dayz or their staff, the game being in Alpha has nothing to do with it either.

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People need to stop treating DayZ as if they actually payed for it.

If you bought Arma 2 just so you could play a mod which is on it's alpha state... well... what right do you have to complain?

Hackers ruin everyone's day, no argument there. Wish they could fix it while still working on making DayZ into a proper game, but if they can't, I'm not gonna cry about losing some loot which I know I would have lost the next time some bandit spotted me across a field.

We have to suck it up. Enjoy testing the alpha and contribute to making DayZ become the best game possible. If you are just not having anymore fun, then leave the testing to us and come back once it's standalone.

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