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So i was playing today for a good 4 and a half hours and i'm on day 13...i'm fully loaded with my most favorite gun m16a1 Acog scope....i ran from cherno all the way to NORTH WESTERN AIRFIELD! that took forever! then i RAN all the way back and soon as i hit the coast next to cherno i get hacked! ALL the players, about 45-48 of us, got teleported inside one room! everyone went crazy but i managed to escape! i got shot one time n fell to ground...i didn't get the hour glass or nothing my blood was not going down either...so i laid there for about 5 minutes like wtf...so i disconnected and tried reconnecting again..did SAME thing! then game froze! so i had to alt ctrl delete to close program..so now im kinda pissed off that i spent so much time into this without a single murder or bandit kill...avoided EVERYBODY i saw..including large groups with vehicles...i felt proud of myself...Day 13..and for it to end this way? i'm scared to even log back on because of the new rules of reconnecting or whatever so many times...uugh like wtf..do something with these hackers please!

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Play lower population servers, why would a hacker mess a 6 man server up. Even hackers ain't that sad!

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Play lower population servers, why would a hacker mess a 6 man server up. Even hackers ain't that sad!

That is boring, i like observing other players movements...and a lower population server..you can't find anyone..lol

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That is boring, i like observing other players movements...and a lower population server..you can't find anyone..lol

Can't have your cake AND eat it, too, with DayZ just yet.

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Saying "play on low population" is getting old. I mean - some people don't enjoy playing with 6 users scattered on 225km2 map.

I'd say something else that is not original in any way - if you play on high population server don't get attached to your gear. Never. And well, OP, you had the good run to nwaf and back, this game is not about destination, but about the journey.

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That is boring, i like observing other players movements...and a lower population server..you can't find anyone..lol

That's true, but wait until the hackers 'tools' don't work. Then move back into high population, during this time just figure out some loot routes etc :)

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