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Can you loot Ghillie / Camo of a Corpse?

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Hey there!

It might sound like a noob question - and yea - im quite new to this game. ;)

So, can you take the Ghillie- or Camo-Suit of a corpse, of a player that is dead?

And if yes, how?

Would be nice to get some answers. :)


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No, the ghillie/camo dies with the player. Since the update, I've found 2 quite easily in an office building and a church.

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Nope, I don't think so not if they're wearing it. If they have it in their inventory then you can take it though.

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No, the ghillie/camo dies with the player. Since the update, I've found 2 quite easily in an office building and a church.

Seems like you are lucky, im running through Cherno, Elektro, Stary and some small towns like everyday, checking every house, church, market and all that - but i didnt got any until now. :(

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Leave them at laest their dignity in death you cross dressing necrophiliacs. I am just so ashamed for you.

And all the rest just wear clean underwear, so you don't look like a pig, when you die. :| Seriously!

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