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US 1040?

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F**king oath, I had tents on that server!

Edited by Auzzii

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would be nice to get some feedback from the admins about this :(

wesley and flic have accounts here. anyone able to get them via PM?

edit: can't PM wesley, disabled or something

sent one to flic

fingers crossed

Edited by kevile

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Was able to contact flic, one of the admins. Apparently server is down due to money problems :(

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Hey guys, Hunter here.

Sorry about the current downtime, we are doing everything in our power to get everything running as it was. I assumed the payment for the box was due on the 10th, but was very wrong as we can all tell. If you need any information or would like to contact me further I will drop my e-mail. I do apologize for any issues this causes anyone, as it was completely my fault.



Edited by HunterBoy

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