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Place Makarov in Backpack?

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Hey there, I'm currently in a server that's pitch black and raining.

Is there any way I can place my Makarov in my backpack and have a flashlight in my hand?

Whenever I try to use a flashlight it makes me drop my makarov on the ground....

Btw I have a Czech backpack with quite a bit of free space.

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Jup. Press G, double click your back pack (or click it once, and then click the "open bag" button). and doubleclick the makarov.

Edited by Tweakie

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Yup, just open your backpack, click your sidearm and then move it across. It takes 5 slots. Main weapons take 10 slots. Just make sure you have enough room first otherwise it might disapear.

Edited by Fraggle

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try find shotgun , or G17 :D they have tactical flashlights

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When moving weapons to your backpack make sure:

- 10 slots free for main weapon

- 5 slots free for secondary weapon

- As many slots free as required to hold the ammunition for the weapon

The bold bit is important, if you don't make space your ammunition will just disappear and you will have no ammo for you weapon, because the ammunition automatically moves with the weapon (just like when you drop the weapon on the floor).

Edited by thisisbleep

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Thanks for the help guys.

Unfortunately, I just died... Hit by a zombie with my flashlight out, instantly knocked unconscious and bleeding.

Cool shit, I'd just found an AK74 and 2 clips.

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