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Completely stuck in wilderness.

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As the title says, I have spawned in the Wilderness and am unable to move, or perform any action. The two servers I have tried were JP1 and US11. Same behavior on both.

Now, let me give you a quick story of what led up to this: Earlier in the day I decided to meet a friend at Devil's Castle located in the north side of the map. I gathered all the supplies I would need, alice pack, sniper, food, blood......etc.. I started hoofing it north following my compass. Upon arriving at Vyshnoye the server flashed something about a new patch so I stopped outside of town to log out and apply said patch. Application successful, log back in, all items are gone. Meh, no big deal, however I decide I would rather not continue the trip without a compass so I hit "respawn". Upon respawning I was located in Mogilevka, thought nothing of it and started running back to Cherno for some more bean wars. I made it as far as Nadezhdino before dying to some hungry ass Z.

Hit respawn, and now I am stuck.

I have tried manually deleting the @DayZ folder, updating, forcing another update, all this to no avail.

Running an 8 core AMD with 8GB ram, 560ti video card.

Any help would be appreciated as I am missing out on some good ass beans.

Thank you.

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I'm sorry, I don't really understand how I would contact the developer. Do I send an email to a specific person?

Thank you for your reply by the way.

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No worries, I didn't know you could go directly to them. Thank you for helping me out.

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-edit- Restarting my client seems to have fixed this for me. Should have tried that first.

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