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Another admin abuse thread US 744

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Finally found a heli on a server that's not mine and it all repaired except engine, I jump to my server and bring in everything I need but only got 2 jerry cans. Take off, start flying north following the east road and land 100m away from gas tank. I start running and hear a car, drop down and take out my as50. 2 guys on a motorcycle drive by and i end up missing my 1st shot, knowing they cant take off without fuel I run up the mountain and sit in a bush with a perfect view. Take 1 guy out and wait out for his buddy as I requested a couple of friends to jump in and help. AND thats where the server goes down.

So admin(s) of US 744, do tell me why the server is down? Don't worry, i saved the huey when I got out to go and refuel so it's going to be sitting right there infront of me.

DayZ - US 744 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95389) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by HFB

Was stalking the server up to the second it came back up. When I joined i asked the admins online what happened and they claimed "HFB crashed server ***WE HAD TO RESTART MULTIPLE TIMES***" Sorry fellas, I sat there in server list refreshing for 20minutes, the server never came back.

So we set in setup for a bit and I mentioned I jacked their server and balblabla all good; I log back in in the same spot and LOL, i hear a lee! Basically kill 2 admins because they are total noobs and just shoot loud guns in the open/stand in one spot for over 10 seconds. And right at that point they kicked me, I rejoined, KICKED, rejoined KICKED, changed name and flew the heli away but JUST now crashed it in the mountains because I dont have the time to deal with this fail server.

Edited by v1ktor

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