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Can buildings colapse?

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So I was in stary today on my way to NW airfield and I went to the market and then the tents and what did I see?? All the buildings below the tents had been DOMOLISHED! All that was left was some rubble and what not. It was also not just one building but I saw atleast 4 that had been destroyed.

Is that a hacked server? Or some new feature? I had never seen a city changed like that before.

Anyone ever see destroyed buildings before? Almost looked like an earthquake had happened or something I donno.

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Buildings can collapse- even from something simple like a smoke grenade.

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If you throw a flare or maybe a smoke grenade (not sure about the smoke but I think) in certain types of buildings they will collapse around you. Happened to me a few times before I figured out what was going on. Not sure if it's been fixed because I just don't throw anything while inside buildings anymore.

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u can perfectly blow up buildings with satchel charges, not all buildings, but most. those charges are LEGIT and can be found in barracks at a very rare rate.

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I am going to upload two screenshots of it, here they are!

View as to see the full size screenshot.



Edited by kozzy

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Due to me not yet having the game I have had no personal experiences but I have seen a video on youtube in which the person threw a smoke grenade and the building collapsed.

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u can perfectly blow up buildings with satchel charges, not all buildings, but most. those charges are LEGIT and can be found in barracks at a very rare rate.

Good stuff, thanks for the info bud!

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There are no smoke grenades in that video…

In the first 30 seconds a building collapses when my friend throws a smoke grenade... -.-

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In the first 30 seconds a building collapses when my friend throws a smoke grenade... -.-

That is not the same video that was linked earlier...

When I watched your video and quoted you, THIS was the video that was in your post:


Did you link the wrong video, then change it?

It looks like that's what happened, but it also changed my quote. O.o

Edited by Falcrist

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