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Action stucked with you - Can't do other actions

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What happened: I tryed to repair a car and got the action "Save car" stucked to my action list and since that i can not do other actions. e.g. tryed to repair the car and i can't; tryed to refill the gasoline and what i got instead of "refill" was "save GAV" on a the petrol container Oo

Where you were: Me: Chenos Gas station - BRA 2

What you were doing: Trying to repair a car

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: BRA 2

*Your system specs:

Me: Win7 64 bit, x4 radeom 965, radeon 6970, 8gb ram

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Before: Tryed to repair a car got the action "Save car" stucked on the scroll wheel.

After: Couldn't do anything but the first action taken on the server.

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I've experienced this too, on several servers with vehicles since I was able to repair a vehicle before the patch. For the same vehicle now the only option is to save it.

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Yea... i waste a entire day getting the parts to repair.. the tank is full and i repaired must things but after the update i can't repair 2 wheels -.-


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