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US 722

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Hackers on US 722 teleport hacking to people instant blowing them up and breaking their legs with script commands.

my group was fully geared and half the group was hiding in the bushes. The other was in town in berizino.

My friend noticed this guy teleport right in front of him and started putting down satchel charges.

we instantly blew up and died.

minute later my friends hear a helicopter.. and right away it crashes into the town around where our friends were. But they didnt die. next second my friends instantly see people teleport right to them and blow the UAZ we had up.

I respawned and started running back to my body. all of a sudden my legs instantly break on script command and I fall prone.

A guy appears right in front of me. wearing a pilote army skin with a bunch of good gear. He walks up to me. Places a satchel charge. walks away. looks at me. and blows me up.. definite hackers on here. seems to be more than one also. heres a screen shot of a list of players on the server right after I logged out. If any of these names match your data base for other reports. please take action.

my squads names are.

me- Roman






Edited by stingervr

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