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Stuck on black "loading" screen - Help!

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For the past 2-3 days I've been trying to play on a server I'm always active on. I haven't been able to connect to any server no matter how long I wait; 5 minutes, 2 hours.

My game always gets stuck on a black 'loading' screen with nothing else on it, I can't even press ESC to exit out of it. Anyone have this problem? It only happened after the recent updates. Really annoying!

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I mean it worked for me when I had that problem, that's why I suggested it. I normally use six launcher, but it was giving me the loading problem.

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same for me. i have been trying to solve this for about a week or 3, still no result though. i believe its the 95389 and '417 update which have problems like these.

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Alt-tab out, kill arma2oa in task manager, then re-join the server. That's the only thing that works for me when it actually gets stuck. Sometimes waiting it out eventually works though.

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I can't seem to solve this problem either. It seems to be when I die that's when this starts happening on me. It's very frustrating.

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Hey guys, I had this problem too and since it was such a pain in the arse to fix I'd thought I'd actually share for a change. I trolled the forums and I haven't seen this casue anywhere. Not to say it hasn't been indentified on this forum since or before I figured it out but I cbfed trolling for it now. It's not going to be applicable to everyone, but thought it might, just might save at least one person the pain it took me to figure out. My issue was the same as OP, on the rare occasion I got past the loading screen (typically a fast loading server) I'd see a message telling me battle eye had kicked me. (hardly ever got this far though)

My problem was my anti virus software. Specifically Avast Free AntiVirus. For some reason it thought Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe was Malware and quarantied it, no amount of filing it or its sub folders it in he exemptions list would change it's mind. Apparently this is an ongoing problem with Avast and Steam, not only with ARMA but I'd never had an issue with any other games before.

At any rate the solution in the end was to uninstall Avast and move to windows anti virus. Since then I've had no problems.

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I'm experiencing long loading screens, usually 10-15 minutes. I just sit on the forums on my phone until i hear that i'm back in the game.

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