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Recruiting for a 4-6 man squad!

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EDIT: Sorry guys, full squad for now! If we lose anyone, I'll be sure to hit some of you up!

Yo guys! I'm here trying recruit some of you loners to join a new squad with me (Aefio) and my bud Dynamic (IGN). We are looking for 2-4 players to join us so that we can do raids on airfields, military encampments, drown ourselves in the blood of merciless bandits, and other fun shit. We plan to be US based and are on EST.


- Must be familiar with the surroundings and the game itself.

- Must be mature, not a "LOL, EYE SHOOT RANDOMLY CUZ I'M A DUMDUM" fag. -_- no. None of that.

- Willing to have a kick ass time, and not be serious all the time.


- We're not going to require this, but I would strongly recommend you have a mic. This is easy for us and for you to communicate in game without having to type in the chat box.

- Please try to have good weapons if you want to play with us. If you don't that's okay, we can probably hook you up.

- Try and be active. If you can't, we understand, and we won't make you make sit down on your ass and play Day Z all day.

Current team:

- Aefio

- Dynamic

Thanks! If you want to chat about this, hit me up!

PM me or add me on skype/steam.

Skype: xAefiox

Steam: Aefio

Edited by Aefio

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I would like to join you! I'm not very geared, and I haven't ventured very far into the lands beyond the sea. Nevertheless, I have a good concept of how the game works and the will to try to succeed!

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Intrested in if you're KOS or you avoid players, at this time I KOS in the north, but I don't camp coastal towns. Normally I'll counter snipe other players in Stary. In my old squad I was overwatch/DRF(They got bored and moved on after our main server with our camp got moved/deleted.) Shoot me a pm if you're intrested, I have a good mic and my skype is bfksdecise, but please, don't have retards in the squad and hopefully play a bit serious when we're risking things. - Clayton

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Just died so I do not have much gear atm, but I have a very deep understanding about how the game works, and the different mechanics. Used to own around 3 or 4 vehicles, skilled helicopter pilot as well, and overall just wanting to have a fun and enjoyable time on day z whilst keeping a serious tone in some moments.

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Hey I am interested I just added you on skype but can't find you now, mine is lovestosplooch. I am geared and in the NW Airbase. Add me soon

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Im so down, i have a mic, love having a kickass time, and know the surroundings! hit me up on the forum or add me on steam at WatchDiesel

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