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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

What to do when you've got all the gear besides killing people like an asshole

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Let's all just take a minute to absorb that sentence...to fully understand what is being said.

Why does nobody help anybody anymore? So let's say you got a 50. cal and you've been on the hills of cherno shooting people for six hours. Doesn't that ever get boring? Try something new:

Go to the coast, and find someone without a weapon (the ones with weapons will instantly kill you for your stuff, so at least if they don't have a weapon you can contact them safely). Then, offer help. go with them to a big loot spawn, give them some tips, or even bandage them if they are bleeding. If they are starving? give them some of your food. Why? Because there is always a rush to go find all of the best weapons and gear, and then what? 99% of people just go to the coast or other big loot spawns to go on killing sprees. Why not do something different, do something that nobody has ever done? Something that provides a whole new gaming experience, something that only you can brag about doing, because everyone's too much of a pussy to do it themselves. I definitely plan to do this, and hell, i'll even fraps it for you people if you want. I am sick of everyone complaining about not having anything to do when they have all their stuff. Make your own goals. Ex: I want to visit every place on the map, I want to blow up a building, i want to go to every deer stand on the map. Make it some goal that can't be obtained from scratch in under an hour.

The point is, everyone needs to stop bitching about not having something to do other than kill players. It almost seems as though people don't want anything else to do. So for a change, maybe just once for the experience,

help someone survive. So what if you die? You were just complaining about not having something to do, go get your stuff back. It's not like you were using your gear for anything else.

okay, since it's very clear that many people here are fucking retarded, let me add something to that.

I'm not saying do this. I'm not saying change your playstyle to this. I'm not suggesting that this is what you should do. It's just SOMETHING ELSE TO DO BESIDES KILLING PEOPLE. You, know, like a helpful tip. A tour guide. Everyone stop bitching about it.

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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Edit: posted in wrong thread

Edited by MacEwan

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this isnt possible, ive come to the conclusion that people in general are douchebags.

Welcome to the World.

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this isnt possible, ive come to the conclusion that people in general are douchebags.

If you find someone without a weapon, they can't be a douchebag. What's the worst they can do? Throw cans at you? (yes, the hatchet is a weapon.)

if someone doesn't have a weapon, then they are forced to communicate. Or alt+f4 if they're retarded.

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go to NWAF in the western trees

watch both barracks for zombies to spawn

proceed to hunt the guy that is there

not an asshole when theyre obviously end game characters too right?

or maybe protect the kid thats there from other people :P

Edited by Buffjesus

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go to NWAF in the western trees

watch both barracks for zombies to spawn

proceed to hunt the guy that is there

not an asshole when theyre obviously end game characters too right?

or maybe protect the kid thats there from other people :P

that's killing people...AKA being an asshole, asshole.

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this isnt possible, ive come to the conclusion that people in general are douchebags.

you sir, are correct. i realized this a long, long time ago. in games and in RL, most people are shitty.

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that's killing people...AKA being an asshole, asshole.

If killing people in self-defense or to protect someone else makes me an asshole, so be it!

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I have a .50 cal, but no ammo to use it :(. I dont want to camp Cherno with it. I want to find the snipers that are camping Cherno and protect the nooblets.

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help people...funny guy.

You might get a nice warm fuzzy feeling for helping people but i personally give 2 monkeys.

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Let's all just take a minute to absorb that sentence...to fully understand what is being said.

Why does nobody help anybody anymore? So let's say you got a 50. cal and you've been on the hills of cherno shooting people for six hours. Doesn't that ever get boring? Try something new:

Go to the coast, and find someone without a weapon (the ones with weapons will instantly kill you for your stuff, so at least if they don't have a weapon you can contact them safely). Then, offer help. go with them to a big loot spawn, give them some tips, or even bandage them if they are bleeding. If they are starving? give them some of your food. Why? Because there is always a rush to go find all of the best weapons and gear, and then what? 99% of people just go to the coast or other big loot spawns to go on killing sprees. Why not do something different, do something that nobody has ever done? Something that provides a whole new gaming experience, something that only you can brag about doing, because everyone's too much of a pussy to do it themselves. I definitely plan to do this, and hell, i'll even fraps it for you people if you want. I am sick of everyone complaining about not having anything to do when they have all their stuff. Make your own goals. Ex: I want to visit every place on the map, I want to blow up a building, i want to go to every deer stand on the map. Make it some goal that can't be obtained from scratch in under an hour.

The point is, everyone needs to stop bitching about not having something to do other than kill players. It almost seems as though people don't want anything else to do. So for a change, maybe just once for the experience,

help someone survive. So what if you die? You were just complaining about not having something to do, go get your stuff back. It's not like you were using your gear for anything else.

Read my latest post in noob section about this

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If killing people in self-defense or to protect someone else makes me an asshole, so be it!

how is camping the barracks self defense? what are you self-defending?

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No, it doesn't get boring. Killing people in this game is the most fullfilling and fun thing to do.

Also, u mad?

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how is camping the barracks self defense? what are you self-defending?

What he/she said is he/she is defending noobs from a potential "'end game character" bandit (at least that is why I think Buffjesus is trying to say).

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No, it doesn't get boring. Killing people in this game is the most fullfilling and fun thing to do.

Also, u mad?

fail/obvious troll fails/is obvious. No, i'm not mad. nobody's mad. i'm just giving people something to do beside being an ass. and if you like killing people, then why the hell are you not playing COD? Go there! more pvp. it's all pvp.

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fail/obvious troll fails/is obvious. No, i'm not mad. nobody's mad. i'm just giving people something to do beside being an ass. and if you like killing people, then why the hell are you not playing COD? Go there! more pvp. it's all pvp.

oh boy i killed somebody and it doesnt affect anything

oh boy i died in a 7 minute DM and it doesnt mean anything

you fuck up here you lose everything you invested into your character.

at the same time knowing that youre going to take someones character away is exciting and if you fuck up you lose everything is what gets most peoples heart pumping.

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oh boy i killed somebody and it doesnt affect anything

oh boy i died in a 7 minute DM and it doesnt mean anything

you fuck up here you lose everything you invested into your character.

at the same time knowing that youre going to take someones character away is exciting and if you fuck up you lose everything is what gets most peoples heart pumping.

go play diablo or dark souls or minecraft or something if you want permadeath PVP.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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this isnt possible, ive come to the conclusion that people in general are douchebags.

People have been turned into douchebags because you have the weak killing people like this is just another shooter. And yes you are weak if you take the easy route of genocide in this game.

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Its like a one in five chance that the guy you help wont just shoot you first chance. I don't approach anyone as a rule. but I will cover people without them knowing and counter-snipe. If you get really bored? Pick off all the zeds around someone who is trying to sneak by them with that .50 cal, you can laugh at the ensuing freak out and sleep well at night.

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go play diablo or dark souls or minecraft or something if you want permadeath PVP.

i have 19.4k posts on d2jsp, 300+ hours on d3

like 150+ hours of pvp on dark souls xbox (already preordered PC version waiting anxiously for it to be released on PC)

minecraft is the most retarded failure game ever made. its made for people who play games for "fun"

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i have 19.4k posts on d2jsp, 300+ hours on d3

like 150+ hours of pvp on dark souls xbox (already preordered PC version waiting anxiously for it to be released on PC)

minecraft is the most retarded failure game ever made. its made for people who play games for "fun"

As opposed to what? People who play games to suffer? But I agree, DayZ is a game that focuses on permadeath PvP and while I don't disagree that it can be fun or heartwarming to help someone in DayZ it's not nearly as exciting as the alternative. I like raiding high value areas with a large group of people with the assistance of a vehicle. So that's what I do. If someone we don't know show's up we kill them. Their own damn fault for approaching an area with a helicopter or a Ural in it, of course there's gonna be six+ people waiting to shoot you. Edited by Killlg

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