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Just joined a group.......I suck

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Like the title says I just joined a new group of people. They are far superior to me in just about everything. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on being useful and contributing to the group instead of just being someone who constantly needs help. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Easiest way is to do supply / scavenge runs: -

Here are some examples:

1. Search north parts of map for camps and vehicles. If you find good stuff and can't carry more just write down coordinates etc.

2. Scavenge vehicle parts from industrial loot places.

3. Hunt animals and cook meat / Search towns with supermarkets/high residential loot for food and beverages.

4. Hoard water bottles and do refill runs to nearby water source for those.

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Well, your first tip is to read the stickeis.

I'll be nice and move it to New player discussion for you.

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Well, your first tip is to read the stickeis.

I'll be nice and move it to New player discussion for you.

Thread Moved

Thanks, and sorry I don't usually go on forums.

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Check some youtube movies, or some livestreams on twitch.tv

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Hi Creator. I felt the same way when I started, and still do to some degree. But many people in the forums are so kind and helpful and many offer to meet up. It's much better to meet up with people via the forum message system and then go into a server together in my view. People rarely talk to strangers in servers. Good luck, I hope you have fun. :)

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If you want to be useful, get a hatchet. Everyone loves the guy who kills zombies silently when they approach the group. It is a hard, dangerous job, but they will probably heal you in exchange for your noiseless contribution.

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1. Search north parts of map for camps and vehicles. If you find good stuff and can't carry more just write down coordinates etc.

Where can I see coordinates?

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If you want to be useful, get a hatchet. Everyone loves the guy who kills zombies silently when they approach the group. It is a hard, dangerous job, but they will probably heal you in exchange for your noiseless contribution.

Yeah that's my job currently and I'm lovin' it lol. Can't imagine situation where I would shoot zombies anymore unless having silenced weapon :)

Where can I see coordinates?

You can see coordinates from in-game map by zooming enough. Most servers also show waypoints (shift-click on map to set waypoint) and distance so you can pin point exact location. If you don't have ingame map but you are well aware of your location you can also check coordinates from online maps like www.dayzdb.com

If you have been lucky, you have GPS and then it's über-easy task :)

Edited by Caine
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