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Powell (DayZ)

Falling Damage/Breaking of the Legs NEEDS to be triggered less

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Here's the story: You know those small barns scattered around places?

Well the first staircase, maybe 8 ft high, I jumped off and broke my legs and started bleeding.

With no morphine or bandages, I bled out inside a barn with a GPS, Map, etc. Because I fell about 8 ft.

That is just ridiculous. I KNOW I am not the only one who has experienced this.

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Correct, you are not the only one who experienced it. Live and learn I suppose.

I'm not so much concerned with this, but glitched ladders than are slightly off on the top, and force you to fall as soon as you hop off, resulting in said trauma.

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Think of it this way. You are carrying large amounts of gear which is weapons, food, tools, and equipment. All this stuff can over encumber a person, so falling down with this stuff can cause sprains, breaks, and twists.

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Just use the stairs next time, that's what they are there for.

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