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US106 TPG server (Banned for assumed teleporting)

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arma2oa 2012-07-30 21-27-20-15.bmp

^Sorry for the crappy picture

An admin banned me from the US106 server for teleporting.

Last time I was on there server I was up in the NW Airfield. I remember I was up in the northern barracks and being pissed off because some prick had blocked off the building with barbed wire; I was up against it trying to hop over the wire since didn't want to leave the site empty handed (I had gone through a lot of shit to get up in the field). I sort of got screwed over then because a zombie had come up behind me and started making me bleed. I decided to enter the forest area east of the barracks and disconnect there. I then decided to reconnect into another server (BECAUSE THERE WAS A F*CKING BARBED WIRE IN THE ENTRANCE OF US106<---Yes, I was pretty annoyed with that). After joining the second server, I entered the barracks, since I was right outside, and reconnected to US106. Having managed to enter the blocked building I took a moment to reconcile my victory over the troll barbed wire that had blocked the entrance. From there, I looked around the building trying to find any good loot (Finding only an M16A2M203 with 2 mags along with a couple of bandages). I then proceeded to exit the building..but wait! There was a stupid barbed wire! Not only was it blocking the only accessible entrance, but...well that's pretty much it. I wasn't going to just stay trapped in there. I decided to do the same thing as before, connect to another server, exit the building, and again reconnect in the woods of the east of the barracks on US106. Once i was finally able to reconnect on US106 I decided to high tail it out of there. The journey finished with me running towards the east of the Airfield near a deer stand and then disconnecting. And from there, I find myself here, trying to make logic of the situation and assuming that my server hopping was considered teleportation hacking. (I have also been told that other hackers were near the area I was in and have been spawning Helicopters so I'm also assuming that any suspicious activity in the NW airefield, such as mine, was assumed as hacking).

Also, wtf, server admins can ban through Battle Eye?? Can they do Global bans then??

-For those of you who are too lazy to read-

1) Barbed wire in front of Barracks in NW airfield

2) Mad because Barrack entrance is blocked

3) Idea! Change servers, enter building, spawn inside house of original server

4) Realize entrance/exit blocked while I'm inside

5) Do the same thing to exit building as step 3 (change servers)

6) Run to outskirts of NW airfield on east side and disconnected (I was tired but this point)

--Final thoughts--

Hopefully I have been as clear as I can possibly be on what happened in my situation. I don't know for sure if what I've done is a legitimate reason to ban (due to the fact that no hacking was used AT ALL) but hey, who am I to question it? The frustration of that barbed wire made me do what I did and that's that.

At the most, I'm hoping for an appeal so I can join the server again. At the least, I'm hoping for a clearer statement on why the admin thought I was teleporting (Still not sure if the term teleporting is the same as server hopping). Hopefully someone out there will read this.

ALSO- Not sure why it would matter for you to know but If it helps, the ONLY THINGS I got from my little situation were the M16A2M203 and the rounds for it along with bandages. That's ALL. I wasn't jumping servers to get more loot. I was jumping because I couldn't get in the freaking barracks.

Thanks for reading this if you have.

Edited by Haxii

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Gladly unbanning you, someone was somehow executing scripts on certain clients in the server and you were one of them. You could always visit the website in the server name to be unbanned, you know.

Give me your guid in a pm when you've a moment.

It's not because of any relogging or anything, the script that showed was the bolt one that is typically associated with teleporting-- but after your removal, it continued.

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