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Solo Bandit looking to team up

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So like the topic states I have been playing the game solo for awhile and want to start finding some new people to group up with. Ideally looking for a clan to join. I have been playing the game for about 3-4 Weeks now and would say I am a above average player but still learning. My play times vary because of a changing work times and working all over the U.S so the times I am on changes depending on where I am working at. I like to have fun playing the game and always remember that it is just a game. On the same note though I am very serious when the need arises and do not like to die but understand if it happens.

For my gear I have AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, M9 SD, NVG, Rangefinder, just about all the goodies really but the ghillie suit damn you lol. I can play a Sniper/ Spotter I feel as my better role, but can also play as assult but playing solo so much never really liked to run into towns to clear since solo would mean death lol.

Anyways enough rambling, if you want to know more I guess write on here or message me.

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