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Why you want survive in zombie world with not woman alive?

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why then you should survive? what the reason?

why you want a car if you cant pickup ladies?


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Perhaps your in a quarantine zone for one reason or another. If you don't take a bandit bullet to the head, maybe you go back home to your wife at the end of your tour of duty.

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I'm pretty sure a few gays play DayZ.

Also with everyone killing themselves, I can compile myself a mountain made entirely out of cans of unopened beans and become the bean lord.

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My left and right hands have helped me through the past 20 years, and I don't think they are going anywhere.

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No nagging when you're out too late with your comrades, sounds like bliss!

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Because Arma doesn't have female models, and every idiotic 13 year old would play a female model.

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Because Arma doesn't have female models' date=' and every idiotic 13 year old would play a female model.


You were saying?


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Lololol, but females can't weild weapons AFAIK :(

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Since women are the weaker gender we can assume that natural selection has been tough on this part of the human population and decimated them to very small numbers. Remember during an apocalyptic scenario the weak are the first to die, and in the case of women they would probably also get raped by bandits or other groups.

We can play with the belief that there might be some pockets of females living in guarded survivor camps further inland of Chernarus, beyond the northern parts of our current map.

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maybe because not everyone lives for sex and lust?

I dont said nothing about sex and lust

I just asked for opinions about a world without hope because no kids or woman can be seen around

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whatever you guys say In will come the freaking White Knights and try to kill you with caps lock and whatnot, logic will not deter them.

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white knights will be shot in sight because they will carry all heavy beancans for ladies

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Well, I'm surviving pretty well now without a woman, and don't plan on ever having kids. Seems legit.

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The MMR serum has proven successful in laboratory experiments. Subject D332 and [REDACTED] have sucessfully produced a male offspring. This is a huge breakthrough. And strangely unsettling.


The first shipment of MMR has been shipped to [REDACTED]. We currently hold [REDACTED] specimens resulting from testing of the MMR serum. Specimens show accelerated growth.


Project [REDACTED] reports they're developing MMR further. We're now committed to produce MMR at [REDACTED].


Those idiots at Project [REDACTED] have been refining MMR into a weapon! MMR was to be created for humane purposes. We should never have let the military into this.


OH, dear god! Project Deliverance has killed us all! Someone accidentally breached the containment, and it killed almost all of our staff immediately. The only staff that survived were those injected with MMR, and one of the barbers and the interior decorator.


I can hear them clawing at the doors! The... the dead... they're not dying... they're turning into these... monsters! Everyone at our lab are dead. The only who survived was Dr Truman and me. We had to call in the military... they died and turned into those monsters. Everyone except for the women. They just died...

The only ones left were me and Dr Truman. We tried to hold out, but one of the monsters got Steve. Oh god, it was so awful! Poor Steve.

I found a gun in one of the guards' locker. It... it only had two rounds. I had to shoot Steve, he was being eaten alive... I'm so sorry!

I think this... the infection... it's worldwide... the only ones who have survived are... no women survived... at all... the only men who survived were... the... maybe the MMR will be our salvation... our shipments went to the airfield in... I'm so sorry...

They're almost through the door.. I... I'm... I have one bullet left... going to use it on myself. Please forgive me... Steve... I love you...



Gay-Marshal Palli 'omigod' Treponema

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The MMR serum has proven successful in laboratory experiments. Subject D332 and [REDACTED] have sucessfully produced a male offspring. This is a huge breakthrough. And strangely unsettling.


The first shipment of MMR has been shipped to [REDACTED]. We currently hold [REDACTED] specimens resulting from testing of the MMR serum. Specimens show accelerated growth.


Project [REDACTED] reports they're developing MMR further. We're now committed to produce MMR at [REDACTED].


Those idiots at Project [REDACTED] have been refining MMR into a weapon! MMR was to be created for humane purposes. We should never have let the military into this.


OH' date=' dear god! Project Deliverance has killed us all! Someone accidentally breached the containment, and it killed almost all of our staff immediately. The only staff that survived were those injected with MMR, and one of the barbers and the interior decorator.


I can hear them clawing at the doors! The... the dead... they're not dying... they're turning into these... monsters! Everyone at our lab are dead. The only who survived was Dr Truman and me. We had to call in the military... they died and turned into those monsters. Everyone except for the women. They just died...

The only ones left were me and Dr Truman. We tried to hold out, but one of the monsters got Steve. Oh god, it was so awful! Poor Steve.

I found a gun in one of the guards' locker. It... it only had two rounds. I had to shoot Steve, he was being eaten alive... I'm so sorry!

I think this... the infection... it's worldwide... the only ones who have survived are... no women survived... at all... the only men who survived were... the... maybe the MMR will be our salvation... our shipments went to the airfield in... I'm so sorry...

They're almost through the door.. I... I'm... I have one bullet left... going to use it on myself. Please forgive me... Steve... I love you...


where are the dead woman bodies? and kids?


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where are the dead woman bodies? and kids?


Where do you think all the beans come from? Certainly don't taste like Heinz.

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