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Devil Trigger

Where to Spawn and What to Bring?

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Where to Spawn and What to Bring?

The questions are simple but the answers are very complicated. This post is not meant to inflame anyone or throw my opinion in anyone's face. My opinions are just that, mine. I will be using the term "Fun" and that is because this game is, fun. I have read more than once on these forums that this game is "not about Fun" and that it is in fact about "Survival". Well, before I get any similar responses I would like to point out that the Survival aspect of this game is exactly what makes it fun. When I use the term "Spawn", I mean after your character has been killed by glitch/bug/infected/player/gravity, not when your character loads into the game equipped with advanced weapons and tools.

Many of us can agree that the way in which we spawn is very important and is directly related to the amount of enjoyment and fun we get out of this and any game. The way in which we spawn is working for alpha but I believe that if this game is going to continue in its success it needs to change. There are many things that need to change but spawning directly affects all of us and is something that can be fixed fairly easily. This is a team based game and survival past two hours almost requires the assistance other players. Here is what I propose:

Give players a choice in the way they spawn.

Load-out options from a list of basic supplies (Maybe, I decide I want to grab a soda before I head out into the Zombie/Infected apocalypse.)

Basic weapon to defend yourself such as giving me my Fists or an Axe (I don't know about you but I would grab at least a frying pan before I go outside.)

The most important thing is give us a choice of locations to spawn. (4 or more locations/zones on the beach that would allow me to spawn within a 3-4 minute radius of where I want to be.)

My suggestions does not in any way break the game. For those of you that believe the punishment for death is not harsh enough and that spawning an hour away from the people/friends you wish to play with is key to the game... you are wrong. Believe what you want but losing everything you spent days earning is a very harsh punishment. There are other ways to punish someone for death that does not involve spawning on the opposite side of the map from where you want to be. The fun part of this game is with your friends.

For the DayZ hipster with a closed mind, maybe making these options on a server would be an acceptable compromise.

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Maybe we could have something where you could say choose to have an can of beans and a drink, or having a flashlight. Having a makarov with half a mag or a hatchet. Very simple choices that would effect how you would like to spawn and play without effectign the game too much. This would also implement more belonging of your character being yours.

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How about just spawn everybody with just a bandage, or better yet, nothing at all and in civilian clothing ...

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