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LU30 those ghillie guys with the boat

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minding my own business, searching all the way northeast from berenzino for some tents, i suddenly see 2 ghillie guys and a boat, they both obviously looted those items a couple of minutes ago, they were trading each other on the coastline.

out of cz ammo, i try my luck with the ak74 kobra.

those targets about 500 meter away, i hold my breath and fire a couple of shots, 1bullet hit 1 bastard somewhere in the leg and he disconnected, the other one managed to run up the hills and hide somewehre in the trees, couldnt find him anymore.

...,so after 80 minutes of searching those guy(s) (who knows) in the landscape, no one appears, and iam now still wondering, wher u guys went, and why u guys didnt even try to defend it? :/

dont tell me, i wasted 80 min, cause u guys instantly disconnected :/

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Easy come, easy go. They had only stolen it maybe an hour before....beans for the location you last saw it? :lol:

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just on top of east coast , when it seams your joining debug forest :D

another question, i coulndt save that boat, is that working as intend?

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