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Red_ (DayZ)

Will I be able to run?! Please help!

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Hey. I was looking at purchasing ArmA II primarily to play Day-Z as most of my friends do and it seems really fun!

System Requirements Lab took a look at my PC and rejected it as capable of playing ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead, so I wasn't too sure whether I'd be able to play Day-Z even on lowest settings, though, I can run ArmA II fine according to SRL just not recommended.

My Specs (and remember, I'm happy to play on the lowest possible settings):

Processor: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz

Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB

System Type: 64-bit operating system

Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 310

Thanks ~ Red

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I've mentioned previously using System Requirements Lab:P And thanks! I'll be sure to download the demo and mess around with the graphics! Thanks!


Lnxa, i'm not sure whether to believe you. I'm a total freaking noob to this but I have duel with over double that CPU. And I just searched that GTX and it cost £700+.

I've been trolled..

Edited by Red_

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you should be ok. graphics might be a bit choppy, just crank em down.

also some servers seem to have some wacky settings that screw up FPS, so don't be afraid to hop around til you find a good one.

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Alright cheers guys! Just currently downloading ArmA II Operation Arrowhead demo and going to test the graphics:)

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download and instal armafree instead of the one you've bought and use it along with operation arrowhead to increase your fps even more

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