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Completely invisible

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Date/Time:5/23/2012 9:33 EST.

What happened: So, I was in Bor, searching for nearby deer stands, and it was very dark. I don't like dark. So I switched to another server, US3 or US2... I'm not sure. I respawned in just "Wilderness". I tried to go into third person, and I could. But I was completely invisible. I went back into first person, and walked around, eventually I left the server, and went to a different one. I came back, and I was in the same spot, but it told me this time I was in Pavlovo. I then met up with my friend a little bit south of Pavlovo. On the road between Pavlovo and Kamenka. I shot the zombies that were chasing him with my M1911. He said over Steam Voice Chat that he could see my gun firing, but could NOT see me. We took a second, the gamemode was on regular, so he could see my name tag, but no model. I was running just fine around Bor in third person, but when I joined that one server, it made me invisible. I took a few screenshots showing that I could see the shadow of my Winchester on my back, and the M1911 in my hand.

Where you were: Bor, Pavlovo, Road between Pavlovo and Kamenka

What you were doing: I was searching deer stands, left one server, joineed another, popped up in Pavlovo, killed about 6 zombies that were chasing my friend, Jesse.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: US2 or US3, RU12, Dallas 14.

*Your system specs:I don't believe that pertains to the current situation as I was running it fine, even with the new patch, but when I joined that ONE server, I just turned invisible.

*Timeline of events before/after error:

-Hunting deer stands on Chicago 3.

-Log off around 2 PM EST to go do some stuff IRL.

-Log back on around 8 or 9 PM EST.

-Update Day Z

-Get on Dallas 14 to loot a couple Deer stands.

-Log off (too dark) to US 2.

-(About 7 AM in game) No third person.

-Log off to RU12 (Light outside now)

-Still no third person.

-Meet up with friend.

EDIT: Pictures : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Reliqua/screenshot/596971542826765103?tab=public



EDIT: Also, this bug prevents me from playing Day Z, which I enjoy greatly, as I am invisible to other people, and don't want them to think I am a hacker and get myself a bad reputation. So for now, I cannot play Day Z.

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Exact same thing has happened to me, I am completely invisible in 3rd person and to other players. In 1st person looking at my body it appears I have some sort of soldier uniform on.

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I'm having the same issue, except it's persisting across multiple servers for me (NY6 is one I remember specifically).

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Ditto here as well. Invis in third person, wierd skin in first and texture on my whinny.

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It's not just on one server, I guess I should've mentioned that. It's on EVERY server.

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It's not just on one server' date=' I guess I should've mentioned that. It's on EVERY server.


Same, been on a tonne of servers trying to fix this.

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i too have this same issue. i am completely invisible and a friend of mine can confirm this. the only part of my body that i can see is my hands when holding the pistol. i have tried switching servers, and deleting all the addon files, but neither have solved it. anyone know of a fix? would suicide and re spawning work?

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This bug prevents me from playing, as I don't want to be labeled a hacker, so I am going to hide my stuff and go die. maybe this will fix.

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This bug prevents me from playing' date=' as I don't want to be labeled a hacker, so I am going to hide my stuff and go die. maybe this will fix.


it won't... at least for me.

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Ive tried deleting characters, deleting my saved profiles in the arma 2 documents directory, reinstalling the whole game and still no difference.

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Maybe they fixed it. I'm going to go try again. But I killed myself and nothing happened... How did you die, Sonata?

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same here. I'm completely invisible. I tried

- respawning (via menu button)

- letting the zombies eat me

- reconnected router (new ip etc)

- restarted game

- fiddling with the graphics settings (why that would help, i dont know :))

can't seem to find a workaround for this bug :'(

help us rocket :D

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Maybe they fixed it. I'm going to go try again. But I killed myself and nothing happened... How did you die' date=' Sonata?


I got swarmed and eaten by zombies. Although, that's not what killed me. I was down well into -20k blood and still alive, so I was forced to respawn. When I loaded back in, I no longer had this bug.

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I've tried just about everything, but nothing seems to fix it.

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new IP does not help, I can tell you that much. Don't know about the MAC address change tho.


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same here, funny bug:blush:

Date/Time: 5.24.12 / 5am

What happened: wrong spawn in the middle of a Forrest near the coast, I'm invisible in 3rd pers and (usmc/default skin) in 1st pers, even after re spawn (dying)

Where you were: near Stary sobor 100m north from the shop / Forrest near the coast / coast near electro

What you were doing: was crouching away from zombies then loosing connection to (eu11) some minutes later I'm joined a us Server

Current installed version:

Server(s) you were on: eu11 (loosing connection) then a us (?) server

Your system specs: core i7 960 / 12 gig ram / win 7 64 pro / 480 gtx

Timeline of events before/after error:


-normal playing without any problems

-loosing connection the server eu11 it was eventuality over loaded (prime time)

-joined a us Server (problem starts)


-tried some other servers, same result

-Killed my self with respawn twice, same result

-tried to change user names (donstee / duke of hegi) same result

(sry for my bad english)

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