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Admin Abuse/cheating and locking the server

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Ok so me and my squad joined the server "Dayz UK 218" and one of us notices a helicopter flying around Elektro shooting everyone. At this point he called for our entire squad to meet at elektro and take them out. Sean and kaldar met up in Elektro and found an AKM in the firestation. with this Sean took shots at the helicopter and during this a white pickup truck came down and parked in the middle of elektro. While sean had the helis attention Kaldar went and stole the white truck.

he drove east out of elektro and began taking fire from the helicopter, So he turned around to get back into range for Sean to take more shots. He got out of the car after it was damaged and hid in some bushes. Kaldar then thought to check the loot of the truck and with some luck there was an AS50 inside. (Along with many other weapons/gear. but he didn't register them due to the intense moment) So he took some shots at the heli and it came crashing down. around 7ish people were killed but others ejected.

After the heli crash Sean and Kaldar went to steal the truck and see how many dead bodies were around. kaldar died to bleeding. Sean got close to the heli crash and there was around 8 players(unarmed/armed) he started to drive the truck away and was killed.

I then logged in on the north hill of elektro with my L85 from a previous firefight. I took some shots at three players I could see near the coast (behind the crash) Whilst I killed one (Gouldy) and wounded another a ghillie L85 shot me from behind. About 10 minutes later (after trying to get back to elektro) two others of our squad made their way to the hill where I died. Jason and Kez (the two guys) Were camping on top of the hill waiting to see if they could catch the Ghillie L85 that killed me when we saw the whole 8 players running up the hill. After jason took shots at them on the hill they hid and restarted the server

We joined back after the server restarted and members of the admin group were shouting abuse at us. and then locked the server after kicking us so they could get their chopper and truck back.


here is a screen shot of the server just after the restart. Screen shot taken at 10:47pm ish.

The 8 people on the server is the admin squad we attacked in elektro with the chopper.

Please take down this server because this is abusing admin rights. Killing people in elektro and when they lose their precious chopper they close the server so they can retake it. These guys had Ghillies AS50s, L85s for the least.

Edited by madmansam
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Haha the server Auto Restarts 10:30am and 10:30pm every day, during the day there's sometimes some manual restarts, however after you took our chopper down it just happened to restart. Unfortunate timing as after the server came back on the White Pickup wasn't in Elektro it was back at Mogilevka where it was last saved.

And after the restart I seem to remember you and your friends Kaldar and Sean abusing the people in the chopper and laughing saying "haha we took your chopper down with your own AS50" and we were just laughing about it saying "It was like Black Hawk Down haha".

And btw the server was never locked? After restart it filled straight back up to about 20/42ish and there was new fresh spawns in Elektro as we were leaving to go back and find the White Pick up.

We noticed you sat in the Lobby for ages along with Jason and Kaldar because we were thinking are those guys coming back in or what like, seemed you kept disconnecting and re joining but you weren't actually logging in, this being said as you were trying to join there were actually new people joining the whole time, so dunno why you couldn't get on.

Btw where's the admin abuse / cheating part of your story?

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A) Admin abuse =/= cheating

B)This is the wrong forum for admin abuse

C) There is no admin in your screenshot, they have *ADMIN* next to them

The server restart doesn't seem to take place at the usual time for admin abuse. They lost the chopper, killed two of the attackers.

If they did restart the server for chopper hoarding, it's a little pointless. 8 people can easily secure a chopper, especially if they are so heavily armed.

Should you feel like pursing this properly, if might be wise to re-post in the "server reporting" seeing as you have no evidence nor made any accusations of cheating.

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here is a screen shot of the server just after the restart. Screen shot taken at 10:47pm ish.

The 8 people on the server is the admin squad we attacked in elektro with the chopper.

Please take down this server because this is abusing admin rights. Killing people in elektro and when they lose their precious chopper they close the server so they can retake it. These guys had Ghillies AS50s, L85s for the least.

1) The server was closed due to two hackers called "Kaldar" and "A Suspicious guy" and the admin not being able to ban them two only.

2) There is no 8 man admin group.

3) You just sound bitter and butthurt you couldn't mess with people even though you had a hacker with you. GG and QQ moar!!!

4) Instead of complaining about people who pay for a public server which is always up and running for you too join and only got closed for a short period due to hackers.. why don't you try and pay for a server and run it. Its always the same with cry babies like you who want everything for nothing and just want to ruin other peoples hard work.

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Ok guys you keep your little server But next time you lose a Heli due to your own stupidity don't go closing your server and kicking everyone. none of us were hackers. we used your own guns from your own truck.

Keep doing what you are doing and there will be more complaints from others. Not just us.

Edited by madmansam

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ok so its A Suspicious Guy here and i would love too know how we are hackers i joined the server seen a heli and thought right lets get it on, found an AKM while you were chasing the white pickup and started shooting at you then we found an AS50 in your car so we shot you boo hoo whats the matter cant take a bit of competition, and yes i was boasting in the lobby who wouldnt after all that had just happened although i don't re-call using offensive language to any of you and your server was locked for a good 2 hours while there was only 8 of you online.

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1) The server was closed due to two hackers called "Kaldar" and "A Suspicious guy" and the admin not being able to ban them two only.

2) There is no 8 man admin group.

3) You just sound bitter and butthurt you couldn't mess with people even though you had a hacker with you. GG and QQ moar!!!

4) Instead of complaining about people who pay for a public server which is always up and running for you too join and only got closed for a short period due to hackers.. why don't you try and pay for a server and run it. Its always the same with cry babies like you who want everything for nothing and just want to ruin other peoples hard work.

I would love to know how I am a hacker, some proof would be nice, even though it doesn't exist. Is this because you didn't think yourself viable enough to be taken down by a regular player? I was a fresh spawn in Electro when the chopper was there, I simply stole a pick up truck that someone was stupid enough to leave in the centre of Electro, drove it back and forth a bit then took down the chopper with the AS 50 that I found in the truck. I later died to zombies and bleeding due to the shots I took from the Heli mini-gun when I was driving the truck. All of my actions were legitimate and I see no ground for your accusation.

Also, addressing the matter of my comment: "Haha, I took down your chopper with your own AS 50" I see no reason why this is offensive? This was a massive event for me in DayZ, my first chopper kill. There's no bad language or racism, just playful banter, which you have bitterly interpreted. As for the closing of the server, I'm not too fussed if you want to farm choppers and vehicles. But kicking me from the server repeatedly after the restart seems a little uncalled for, after having done nothing against any rules.

Thanks for reading, I hope you can see what truly happened.


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First of all Kaldar and A suspicious guy arn't hackers. and second of all. it is funny how the server was still locked until 12:27am (last i checked) The Admin and part of their 8 man squad is called Moosefcuker

1) Proof? Your word = nothing.

ok so its A Suspicious Guy here and i would love too know how we are hackers i joined the server seen a heli and thought right lets get it on, found an AKM while you were chasing the white pickup and started shooting at you then we found an AS50 in your car so we shot you boo hoo whats the matter cant take a bit of competition, and yes i was boasting in the lobby who wouldnt after all that had just happened although i don't re-call using offensive language to any of you and your server was locked for a good 2 hours while there was only 8 of you online.

2) I killed you multiple times however not once did the kill register on my debug screen, also you made it back to Elektro very fast every time you died.

I would love to know how I am a hacker, some proof would be nice, even though it doesn't exist. Is this because you didn't think yourself viable enough to be taken down by a regular player? I was a fresh spawn in Electro when the chopper was there, I simply stole a pick up truck that someone was stupid enough to leave in the centre of Electro, drove it back and forth a bit then took down the chopper with the AS 50 that I found in the truck. I later died to zombies and bleeding due to the shots I took from the Heli mini-gun when I was driving the truck. All of my actions were legitimate and I see no ground for your accusation.

Also, addressing the matter of my comment: "Haha, I took down your chopper with your own AS 50" I see no reason why this is offensive? This was a massive event for me in DayZ, my first chopper kill. There's no bad language or racism, just playful banter, which you have bitterly interpreted. As for the closing of the server, I'm not too fussed if you want to farm choppers and vehicles. But kicking me from the server repeatedly after the restart seems a little uncalled for, after having done nothing against any rules.

Thanks for reading, I hope you can see what truly happened.


3) Like I said in my post after the restart and you said about taking our chopper down with our own weapons, we were all pissing our selves laughing at what had just happened, so tbh mate there was no offensive comments made no one said there was except your own guy OP. Don't you understand no one gave a fuck about the chopper? We were all laughing about the incident saying "haha black hawk down" even in skype we were just laughing at it.

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we made it back quickly because we got spawns and drakon, otmel, Krutoy Cap and wilderness. anytime we didnt get a spawn like this we would simply die and respawn

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I'm inclined to believe that the OP isn't hacking, and the admin was telling the truth.


I don't see any restart 10 minutes after a scheduled restart, but if he was hacking he wouldn't have died. We all know you can get the same spawn multiple times so he could have gotten back quickly.

Issue resolved. Admin, please close the topic.

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