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Ability to sling rifle to use hatchet/crowbar quickly or make the hatchet a seconday weapon

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Would be nice if it was easy to switch from a rifle to a hatchet, or at the very least be able to carry your rifle slung and have your hatchet out ready to fight.. Also there should be a way to combine prtially use magazines to a full one, and the ability for shotguns to use the same size stacks of ammo, because having a double barrel is annoying at best when you can only carry a few ready shells at a time and if you had to reload for any reason you better have more ready in your inventory but they take up all the space.

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Just for starters this idea has already been posted.

I personally would like this idea. Some people think its a good idea, others don't.

So really it may just come down to if Rocket feels like trying it and if he feels that this is a change he would have time to do in the list of other things.

I personally think that this isn't even on his list at this time. There are bigger fish to fry at this moment then little things like this.

Though in time! Maybe we will see such things! XD

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oh look, its the same suggestion that was suggested about 60 times.

That only means that it's a very popular idea that at least deserves attention from the devs.

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