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M1911 & Revolver Ammo Change

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I know a lot of people like the M1911 and Revolver for their infinite ammo, but my suggestion is that instead of converting a magazine into the other type, it refills one you already have. So when you right click revolver ammo it says Refill M1911 magazine. It then destroys the revolver ammo(like it does now) and destroys your emptiest M1911 magazine and gives you 1 full M1911 magazine. Simulating you taking the bullets and putting them into the used magazine. This would make it more realistic (you can't convert revolver ammo into a clip for an M1911, you would need an empty one), this solves the infinite ammo exploit, and all the code for it already exists. The ammo is clearly sorted by most to least full, since reloading gives you the most full. And you have the ability to destroy and create ammo as the mechanism does this already.

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Maybe a better system...but would probably require alot more coding. Another feature that is a waste of time, until the standalone.

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Infinite ammo? I hope you know that a bug?

And about to be fixed :D


its already going to be fixed, by recording the amount of bullets you have left, and when you transform the mag, it goes back to the same amount :D

Edited by Vort3x

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OP, do you realize you already do this when you right click and convert in the first place?

You just hit R and it refills your current ammo...

Have you not played for very long, or?

If you have 3 magazines, at say, 100 rounds, and you use up 50 rounds... And hit R... It will put your main round back up to 100 by refilling from the others... The mechanism already does this.

Edited by LordRayken

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I know a lot of people like the M1911 and Revolver for their infinite ammo, but my suggestion is that instead of converting a magazine into the other type, it refills one you already have. So when you right click revolver ammo it says Refill M1911 magazine. It then destroys the revolver ammo(like it does now) and destroys your emptiest M1911 magazine and gives you 1 full M1911 magazine. Simulating you taking the bullets and putting them into the used magazine. This would make it more realistic (you can't convert revolver ammo into a clip for an M1911, you would need an empty one), this solves the infinite ammo exploit, and all the code for it already exists. The ammo is clearly sorted by most to least full, since reloading gives you the most full. And you have the ability to destroy and create ammo as the mechanism does this already.

So whats the complaint?

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If you have 3 magazines, at say, 100 rounds, and you use up 50 rounds... And hit R... It will put your main round back up to 100 by refilling from the others... The mechanism already does this.

Yeah... THAT'S how the mechanism works... Have you ever tried what you are describing? Cause that isn't how it works. Each clip is a separate object. When you reload, it picks the highest clip you have of the ammo type. It doesn't refill. You can end up with 3 or 4 clips with 1 or 2 bullets in there. I can guess what game you WERE playing, but it wasn't this one.

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I know a lot of people like the M1911 and Revolver for their infinite ammo, but my suggestion is that instead of converting a magazine into the other type, it refills one you already have. So when you right click revolver ammo it says Refill M1911 magazine. It then destroys the revolver ammo(like it does now) and destroys your emptiest M1911 magazine and gives you 1 full M1911 magazine. Simulating you taking the bullets and putting them into the used magazine. This would make it more realistic (you can't convert revolver ammo into a clip for an M1911, you would need an empty one), this solves the infinite ammo exploit, and all the code for it already exists. The ammo is clearly sorted by most to least full, since reloading gives you the most full. And you have the ability to destroy and create ammo as the mechanism does this already.

Goddamn. Why do you people keep pointing this out? Just leave it alone. Christ. It's the only break I can get in this game lol.

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