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Strength in numbers!

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Yes, there is strength in numbers. I frequently travel in a crew of 6. It helps tremendously.

If your sick of traveling alone hit me up. We accept all people and give everyone at least one chance to get a cheap thrill by killing a few of us. It'll only happen once.

If your really tired of going it alone, or just want to experience a group drop me a line on here and I'll shoot your our TeamSpeak server IP. You'll be surprised how grouping changes the game.

Imagine 20 or so people taking Cherno the NWAF or any other location. It can be done. We are attempting to change the dynamics so to speak of the game. We are not killers. We only shoot in self defense. There's been a few that have shot and killed people in our group and even more that shot and were hunted down and eliminated.

There are a few rules though:

1. Only serious players need apply. We have fun but, we do take the game seriously when in a dangerous area.

2. We all share the loot. Do what's best for the group.

3. If you kill one of us you'll be banned from the TS server and will never be allowed back into the group again.

4. Your mic must be on at all times. Anyone with a muted mic see #3.

5. If a member of the group needs help, drop what your doing if your able and help them. We'll do it for you, we expect you to do the same.

6. Have fun. That's what this is all about.

It's frustrating at times when an asshole tries to kill one or all of us but, in the end our group grows and we weed out the dicks.

Edited by Hydrocodone

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at the moment hitting NWAF is a walk in the park lol.

a full server i just walked in found a M4A3 CCO with 3 clips and walked out, didnt hear a single shot fired. then as i cleared the tree line there was a bike just sitting in the road so i road it to the beach :)

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