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Crossbows. Please spawn quivers of bolts, instead of singles.

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A quiver of 5-10 bolts that takes up one slot in the inventory, is a simple solution to the crossbows. Same exact concept as a magazine or a clip for any rifle.

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I agree, especially if picking up a single bolt adds it to your quiver.

The crossbow is not great, but it deserves to be improved.

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I think ArmA2 engine is not designed to keep a track of a single bullet as an item and stack them up in a magazine or a clip, when found. I think that is exactly the problem that we have with the crossbows. That is why they are not stackable. Each bolt right now is basically a magazine that holds one bullet /bolt. So instead of doing this, just make "magazines" of bolts, e.i. quivers.

I honestly don't know why Rocket did not implement bolts like this from the start. Single bolt per inventory slot had to be ridiculous right from the start, when crossbow was implemented into DayZ.

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never used one so don't know if you can but you should be able to reuse bolts after you get your kill

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I get ur point but why should someone go for a silenced gun if u could get the crosbow with the same amount of ammo and the ability to retreive the ammo from corpses.

I'll rather see it changed as a secondary tbh.

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I get ur point but why should someone go for a silenced gun if u could get the crosbow with the same amount of ammo and the ability to retreive the ammo from corpses.

I'll rather see it changed as a secondary tbh.

I had a silent gun once (found it on a dead player, long story) and they are very different... silent gun sucks at body shots but you can fire a bit... so you could hypothetically drop a lot of head shots in a few seconds.

Crossbow is great but super unreliable and takes forever to reload, even if you had stacks instead of singles. If I got in a pvp situation where we both are aware of each other, I would choose the pistol just so I could shoot more and hopefully disable or kill after finding where my shots are hitting.

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Rocket does not want to implement this because the Crossbow is a one shot kill and makes absolutely NO noise, none, zilch, zip, nada.

If he were to give a player a Crossbow with 5 or 6 rounds and make the Crossbow more accurate, it would be pretty unfair, especially with recoverable ammo.

I almost made this thread a while ago, but decided not to because there are more important issues right now like more melee weapons and lower spawn rates on most guns.

Edited by LordRayken

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i would chose the crossbow in pvp as it is a great pvp weapon. I shot some guy in the side and that was it he was dead. He may have had low blood i dont know.

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I dont think its possible. Every arrow is actually a one round magazine for a crossbow, so you have to reload after every shoot. That quiver would have to "work" just like a backpack and I'm afraid that its impossible in ArmA2 to have two "working" backpacks at the same time.

The only solution I see is to allow converting some numbers of arrows into a new type of magazine much like it goes with 2nd rnd. slugs and M1014 Slug. This "new type" won't be used by any weapon, so it has to be converted back into arrows if needed. That way it would be possible to carry more arrows then now.

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If u found urself in a pvp situation with a silened secondary equiped ur doing it wrong anyway :P.

But sure u got a problem if ur being chased by a few zombies. Yet the ammo is a lot easier to find so i would prefer the crossbow. Just run in a house and pew pew a few without agroing the whole town.

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Rocket does not want to implement this because the Crossbow is a one shot kill and makes absolutely NO noise, none, zilch, zip, nada.

If he were to give a player a Crossbow with 5 or 6 rounds and make the Crossbow more accurate, it would be pretty unfair, especially with recoverable ammo.

I almost made this thread a while ago, but decided not to because there are more important issues right now like more melee weapons

From you statement, Rocket is an idiot then. With crossbow's limited range, and somewhat awkward sighting, I don't really see it as "everyone will carry it". Especially if its a choice between crossbow and some other gun in your primary slot. Its a niche weapon, that's not being used because of its dumb implementation of ammo storage.

It has plenty of its own shortcomings, that would be nice to offset with some advantages, such as 1 shot kill and silence.

Edited by vulfy

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I dont think its possible. Every arrow is actually a one round magazine for a crossbow, so you have to reload after every shoot. That quiver would have to "work" just like a backpack and I'm afraid that its impossible in ArmA2 to have two "working" backpacks at the same time.

The only solution I see is to allow converting some numbers of arrows into a new type of magazine much like it goes with 2nd rnd. slugs and M1014 Slug. This "new type" won't be used by any weapon, so it has to be converted back into arrows if needed. That way it would be possible to carry more arrows then now.

Not converting. Just implement a number of bolts as a magazine. You would NEVER find a single bolt anymore, just "magazine" of bolts. Same as you do for other weapons.

Edited by vulfy

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And what did I type? That is exactly what I'm proposing.

No. You proposed a one inventory slot item with 5-10 arrows, which would be technicaly magazine. If 5 rnd. mags would be used for the crossbow then it would be a sort of repeating crossbow - no need to hit "R" button after shoot. You didnt write a word about converting ammo.

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Not converting. Just implement a number of bolts as a magazine. You would NEVER find a single bolt anymore, just "magazine" of bolts. Same as you do for other weapons.

People would post "why cant I pick my arrow back up?" In the suggestion thread but honestly... I would be happy to never retrieve an arrow again. Those things are an impossible pixel hunt sometimes, just as bad as removing barbed wire, lol.

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what if a quiver held 5+ bolts (as in you start it with 5 bolts but can pick up more) but fills three ammo spots, that way the retrieving makes sense while still filling up a lot of spot for having a silent weapon with retrievable ammo.

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No. You proposed a one inventory slot item with 5-10 arrows, which would be technicaly magazine. If 5 rnd. mags would be used for the crossbow then it would be a sort of repeating crossbow - no need to hit "R" button after shoot. You didnt write a word about converting ammo.

Well you have to reload LeeEnfield after each shot too, in real life. Its a bolt action rifle. We don't need to press "R" after each shot. Just give us an appropriately long delay between shots, to account for reloading and that should be that.

Edited by vulfy

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My beans, sir.

Please take them!


On a side note, the only reason I don't carry a crossbow is because of the 1 bolt per slot situation (this is coming from a guy with a M4A1 CCO SD, a M14, and a PDW). I would be in favor of ANY change to the current situation.

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If you simulated a reload by time delay with a reload animation, after each shot this should work.

Alternatively, there are some repeater crossbows out there.... why can't it be a 5 shot with a slow rate of fire.

I've used it once, I hated it because of the 1 bolt per item slot.

I think some ammo should be stackable.

Bolts when bundled shouldn't take up much room. Bolts should be able to be stackable items per slot. Capped to 5. (wow item mechanic)

Edited by moofactory

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I agree.

I am hoping that sooner or later the Xbow will be made a bit better of a starting silent weapon.

I believe that there is no need to change anything but the way the ammo works for it.

If you look at the Lee Enfield for example. The Rifle does have a clip, and you're unable to simply fire them off quickly, they have a "cooldown" period where you are unable to fire again.

Maybe there is a possibility to do the same for the Xbow. Turn the bolts into quivers and allow them to house the suggest amount of bolts.

Then alter the weapons base firing speed to become the weapons "reload" speed. So that way... each shot technically has to wait for the "reload" time, there just wouldn't be an animation.

Then when you "reload" you can simply see the animation of it?

Its not a perfect fix, but at least this would solve the 1 bolt per inventory slot.

That is my two cents on the entire idea on how the xbow could possibly be changed.

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Well you have to reload LeeEnfield after each shot too, in real life. Its a bolt action rifle. We don't need to press "R" after each shot. Just give us an appropriately long delay between shots, to account for reloading and that should be that.

Well in real life you cant keep aiming and reload crossbow at the same time. In case of the Enfield it is possible at least to some extent.

BTW Enfiled is not only a bolt action - its magazine-fed too. The Reload action in ArmA2 means "change magazine" rather that actually "reload".

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the bolts come in singles for the same reason shotgun ammo comes in 2 and 8 round "clips"

And perhaps there is a solution in that.

Singles can be converted to a 5-10 bundled item, but cant be used when bundled.

You have to un bundle them to use. so it means they can be stored 5 per item slot in a pack but are singles for use in your main.

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I like the quiver as a secondary idea, but what about letting the player make wooden bolts?

They could do less damage than salvaged bolts, but an easy supply if you have a hatchet and hunting knife.

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