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[]Spawn in Debug Zone and Killing Players and Looting

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Date/Time: 8:00PM EST

What happened: Spawned in the Debug Zone and could kill players before they Officially spawned

Where you were: Outside of map about 7k meters

What you were doing: Joined server as soon as server restarted

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Atlanta

*Your system specs: i7 2700k, GTX680, 12GB Ram

*Timeline of events before/after error: N/A

Video of proof : Private Message Me, dont want anymore people using exploit

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This happened to me as well just now, another guy was having this problem as well. This happened right after I updated to

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I respawn and die instanly ' date=' probely somebody kill me.


Yup. I hate to admit it, but i thought it was just me n i killed like 10 people n then I was told i was killing people / people were spawning up dead so i stopped and took a video quickly (this video). Its a major issue and there are jackasses that will do that the entire time n get all the gear they want or just to be dicks.

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I also had the same problem. Played on RU11 server earlier today bcuz i rly felt like playing a night server. Spawned in the middle of nowhere surrounded by flares and immovable players, found that I could not walk, just spin in circles. Some cheapass was crouch running, circling the mosh pit with a CZ picking off newly spawned players. Let's just say that I took him with me. :dodgy:

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I logged onto 5 different servers and it was the same everytime =s I eventually just had to suicide and start from scratch >_

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Well this hasn't happened to me(knocks on wood) Ive noticed it happening more an more to other players. Even more so the killing sprees that are occurring in them have been cause sever wide raging quitting. =(

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I'm having the same exact issue, do you just try to take off running and hope you reach the normal areas? I doubt I have enough food/water for such a hike, and I'm stuck going suicidal at this point?

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I got the same bug, i spawned middle of the forest without anything stuff, i lost all my inventory and couldn't get my last save back anyhow.. restarted the game many times but still in forest. Then i walked to the kamenka and had to gather everything again from nothing.

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Happened to me too, spawned in the "debug" forest without any weapons,food or water.

is it possible to get a character "restored"?

EDIT: Server was Virginia 6 if that is relevant.

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When you spawn in this area you will either 1) Spawn with all gear 2) No Gear at all. I spawned with all gear. While in this zone, atleast for me, I spawned where they do their character creation so thats why u saw players popping in at the end of the video. That is where u see "Receiving character" or "Creating character". I was able to kill players before they got into the server and when they spawned, they spawned 1) Dead and had to start over 2) Health glitched where they had infinite health and never died. I haven't tested to see if I have infinite health, but I really dont want to test that out atm.

I ended up liek you saw in the video around 7k meters outside the map. When u start getting closer to the edge of the actual map aka the forest u can see the map boundary. I was able to hurdle over the boundary and make my way back onto the map. it was like a 1 - 1.5hrs hike n thankfully i had enough food and water....that i looted from the "spawn kills" (I didnt know what was going on and thought I was being glitch by someone else, but I feel soooo bad for doing it knowing now what the glitch is. So if u see this post n i killed you, Im seriously sorry). After I got onto the map i disconnected and reconnected to see if it saved anything and when I got back into the server I had Josh(2) on my name and when i moved forward a copy of myself was placed in a bandit skin behind me and was looking around. The copy had all my gear, weapons, etc...so i didnt kill him because I have seen that video haha. So after around 3 hrs of hiking i was back to playing normally.

I really hope this glitch gets hotfixed atleast, because it will EASILY kill the mod or the servers because everyone will be too scared to enter a server because they might be spawned killed after getting all the equipment etc.

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I spawned as a crow in debug forest. I was able to fly around the map for a while before I got bored and joined a different server where I was back to normal and in the correct location.

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I spawned as a crow in debug forest. I was able to fly around the map for a while before I got bored and joined a different server where I was back to normal and in the correct location.

LOL that would be fucking epic. Would have laughed my ass off

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Had the same:

Date/Time: 24 may 2012- 17:49 EU-(amsterdam)

What happened: After a server crash i keep logging in at a greenfield with hills and no grass (coördinates 987087). There is one guy with a gun (macarov?) and other people keep comming and then disapear in like 2 seconds. (I think the guy is for protection against players like me, to prevent me from killing those people that keep appearing/disapearing.)

Where you were: I was at ne airfield, lieing under a bush, NE of the NE airfield on the hill (Like 200meter n/ne from the ATC)

What you were doing: Lieing down, sniping

*Current installed version: 8,4? (newest)

*Server(s) you were on: Dalles 3

*Your system specs:

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120330-1504)

Language: Dutch (Regional Setting: Dutch)

Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 3584MB RAM

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

Gfxcard: AMD Radeon HD 6570

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Ok, I've had this happen to me... If you head east (going right from where you spawn), then just follow that for a couple km's, you'll find yourself north west of kamenka.. I spawned there and just headed east, ate once along the way, and found myself on actual land.

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Ok' date=' I've had this happen to me... If you head east (going right from where you spawn), then just follow that for a couple km's, you'll find yourself north west of kamenka.. I spawned there and just headed east, ate once along the way, and found myself on actual land.


Ya getting back on the map is fine just time consuming, but its a huge security / bug that needs to hotfixed or taken care of within the week or 2 because there are players that will just sit and watch people spawn up, kill them, and loot them for hours. Doing this causes people to leave the servers and the entire mod.

My suggestion is to make a barrier aroudn the outside of the actual map and/or force a player suicide / force player new position or put a player protection until a player is loaded and spawned into the server

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Ok' date=' I've had this happen to me... If you head east (going right from where you spawn), then just follow that for a couple km's, you'll find yourself north west of kamenka.. I spawned there and just headed east, ate once along the way, and found myself on actual land.


f@$#$ this is driving me nuts, I'll go east then.

add:It took about 20 minutes. I was in the hill area(nothing but hills) moved east towards the rising sun, suddenly a mountain popped up. When I got over it I started to see trees and entered the map.

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Date/Time: Approx 3:30PM GMT +9.5hrs

What happened: Spawned in and was in the debug area after server restart

Where you were: I was just north of Otmel

What you were doing: Joining server after restart

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas 4

*Your system specs: I7 3820, gtx480, 32GB Ram

*Timeline of events before/after error: Just spawned from glitching on barbed wire and dieing. I started running inland, encountered a tent and investigated. Once I had, had a look the action menu "save old tent" was not disappearing and I couldnt slect other actions. So I dropped to lobby and rejoined hoping it would fix it. Loaded back in form the lobby and I was unconcious for some reason. While I was waiting to regain conciousness the server rebooted (crashed?) and I got the "your session was lost message". I waited for Dallas 4 to reappear on the server list and rejoined. I was then spawned into the debug area. Had to select respawn from the menu to get back to normal.

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Encountered this bug today, but was on the receiving end of it.

A player named ManHunter was stuck in limbo on EU20 and kept killing everyone who logged in, so every time you tried to get in you would spawn "dead" unable to move.

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I am currently stuck Debug fields running around not knowing which way I am going.

Player: nnuu

Date/Time: afternoon

What happened: Logged off and when I logged back in I was in the debug forrest

Where you were: around Olsha

What you were doing: just finished checking out military air field, logged off, but when I logged back on I was group leader and could not move shouting out orders, logged off and back on and was put in the debug forrest

*Current installed version: latest

*Server(s) you were on: chicago, virginia

*Your system specs:


16gb ram

570 gtx

*Timeline of events before/after error:

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Killer: Spacecwb0y117 (was typing in chat to all his angry victims, looking for a compass to go east in the debug plains for some reason, idk he was very rude and would be considered a "dick" by many people's standards)

My character: Captain Teemo

Location before death: East of Northwest Airfield

Server: Dallas 8

Date: 5/27/2012

Time: 1:12am (GMT -5)

Situation: Session lost from server Dallas 16, connected rather quickly into server Dallas 8 but was dead along with my friend (and many others). It said "Captain Teemo was killed by Spacecwb0y117" which is weird because if it was a regular death it would've just said "Captain Teemo was killed."

Please fix this :( it's happened to me multiple times and it's very very frustrating.

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