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Full Whiskey Bottle?

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its all find and dandy that you where the first to post this idea but its a little ambitious to think you had the idea first. There's no way for me to prove or disprove it and simply put the forum doesn’t care.

Secondly this is a forum so posting to it, a public venue, makes the topic PUBLIC PROPERTY. Anyone can join and unless they are malignant trolls anything that is added to this topic is not derailing the subject it is constructive towards making the idea a functioning feature.

Standing on a soap box and trying to say your base idea is better than any other comment in the thread makes it really hard for people to get behind if there is no room to expand it. The base post was incredibly vague to begin with so trying to morally lock the post excludes any support it would gain as a discussion of the hypothetical potential.

Furthermore people adding to this discussion are fallowing forum rules, we aren't allowed to make dupe posts so your opinion of control over the concept is mute, unless you deleted this thread and let someone else reintroduce it the control of the conversation and the content of it is out of your hands.

I think this is a good idea and it could go a long way if added to the game as a consumable but I wouldn't blame Rocket if he stepped over this one as it looks like its going to develop into a flame war if you press the issue of “ownership” of the idea. Don't be so narrow minded.

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We can have a bandage and morphine injectors but not a freaking splint? Ohnoes, stick+bandage=splint. Crazy how that works.

Edited by Sinvex

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We can have a bandage and morphine injectors but not a freaking splint? Ohnoes, stick+bandage=splint. Crazy how that works.

I like that idea, but its not related to this discussion. could you make a thread for that? I do find it kind of funny that after some point we probibly are going to need a crafting table for the zombie apocolypse lol =P

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