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Alright, my friend and I set up a camp, well hidden and the like but overlooking the coast. Well we're loading up a pick up and UAZ to move the camp. Suddenly we see a PBX fly by on the coast. I take shots and hit the driver 2-3 times with an L85, he doesn't die, get crippled or anything.

Well my friend is filling up a White Pickup, it blows up and he gets Battleeye#55'd, which errors him out. I assume it's .50cal fire as the pickup was blown up instantly (before I hear he's errored). I grab my UAZ and book it into the forest. I get far enough in and pop out scanning with thermal, no reactions. I get back into the UAZ and book it, but 1 second passes then BOOM, UAZ blown up with me in it and I get Battleeye#55'd.

This, needless to say pisses us off. We log back in and are both alive but the vehicles are blown up so we swear an oath to travel north and kill the bastard. Well a little backstory, 2 days before we found a camp with:

3 ATV's

1 Pickup


1 Motorbike

6 Tents

We raid all the camps, all the vehicles then proceed to DESTROY the tents.

Back to the main story, we decide "fuck our gear, it's revenge". At this time we assume it's either an illegitimate admin or a hacker.

Well we get up to the old camps and what do you know, the 6 tents are FULLY up and functional.

First time we find the camps:

3 AS50's

6+ L85's

5 SVD Camo's

4 Ghillie's

3 MK 48's

16 Nightvisions

7 Range Finders

5 FN FAL's

6+ M4A1 CCO SD's

SHITTONS of ammo

SHITTONS of medical supplies

This time we find:





SHITTONS of ammo

SHITTONS of medical supplies

And tons more

So I need clarification, hacker or server admind abuse or are we just overly paranoid. Keep in mind, this is 1-2 days they/he/she FULLY regeared the area

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just so you know, when the server resets; all the tents / vehicles go back to where they were with the last stuff they were saved with.

people dont lose stuff when you find it atm

Edited by Buffjesus

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just so you know, when the server resets; all the tents / vehicles go back to where they were with the last stuff they were saved with.

people dont lose stuff when you find it atm

Yes but check what I typed. Not only were they restocked they had COMPLETELY different items and weapons. I also destroyed the tents

Edited by Keylime314

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It could be either really, its hard to tell the difference.

Hacking basically gives people admin power.

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