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Day Z bug fixes: Exploits vs Problems

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[Disclaimer: This is not a complaint post. I am not complaining. I am wondering the opinions of others. Please share if you are so inclined.]

Just a thought that has been on my mind as of late, I was wondering what opinions of others might be here. I know that some people feel very strongly about getting some of the more common exploits resolved... item duping in tents, ammo cartridge conversions, relogging to refill clips. I realize that if you are just starting out that it may seem like a bit of a dream--to be out in the woods with your camp and stash--and it always means a lot when you first arive there from crawling on your belly in Cherno.

I was really upset when after the first week of playing, you no longer had a gun after spawning. It really bothered me that the vets at the time were so quick to tell me just to go run and pick something up like it was no big deal. it really seemed like a big deal to me at the time. I laugh now at how fast it is to find a gun. (not sure if the spawn rates were ever adjusted or something)

Ok, on to the meat. I got you in here for a reason.

In the most recent fix notes for it is said to be a work in progress that the ammo conversion bug and re logging for ammo bugs will be fixed. I also saw while reading the thread that people were pretty concerned with item duping. However, I can't help but think about the problems that are sort of "exploits" (in the same physical sense) that are completely game generated.

I'm going to come out clean and say that I'm an exploiter. We all are. I don't care if you're self righteous or not. Exploits originate from bugs or lack of foresight. You are step for step duplicating an "exploit" procedure by loggin in without having emptied your partially used clips.

Here are some things I feel take away a little more than what the exploits give back:

Yesterday I was driving a UAZ full of supplies for the obligatory chopper hunt. When I hit a crawler zombie, the vehicle flipped. This was a very big problem as we were short an engine and had been looking for about an hour at the time. We were stranded with a UAZ in the factory north of solnichiniy. We were sitting ducks to any spawn baby with an enfield. The vehicle was out until the next restart. We lost loot to other players who had a free treasure chest conveniently placed at a spawn location.

It gets better when I explain why I was driving the UAZ to look for chopper parts. We had the chopper parts set aside when we heard they were coming back in. We placed these items in a tent that seemed to be saving originally. Well apparently it wasn't actually working. The parts disappeard after the server restarted for the night. Back to square one.

While I was gearing up outside our ural, my crew mate every so slightly bumped into me while we were trying to access the inventory. Out of nowhere I was incapacitated and had a broken leg. I also had this happen when I tried to squeeze behind a pile of hay in a barn to get acess to a loot spawn. I broke my leg and began bleeding. I had no bandage at the time.

I am sorry for the lack of formatting but I am trying to shrink a lot of thoughts I've had into this single post. When I see that people are quite adament about getting these simpler things fixed, it leaves me to wonder where do they sit on the priority list compared to some of the whacked instances where all can be lost? Please understand that I am not complaining, though I do feel a little shorted when it comes to the attention of certain issues. I get that the game is in alpha, and that some bugs are more complicated than they may seem, and I understand another version may be in the works or is being planned. (I make a living in software, so i really do understand that part) I know that some of the issues are ARMA II originiated and not the fault of Day Z directly, so I'm not pointing fingers here. Thoughts?

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I was sorta with you until I found this, "I'm going to come out clean and say that I'm an exploiter. We all are."

You say they we all exploit just by logging in without emptying our magazines. But can I be faulted for that happening the next day when I log in? No. That is a problem with the game. It is an exploit when you purposefully log out and then log in just to refill your magazines. So you are trying to adjust blame and say that because you do it it is okay if others are doing it as well, but knowing full well that what you are doing is an exploit. Not the same thing.

Personally, I can't wait for the devs to start fixing things in this mod, and for it to go standalone. But I'll have to wait quite a bit of time for that. Until then, I don't misuse ingame glitchs to my advantage (See: Exploit).

Oh, and Enfields got nerfed down to just over 6k damage. You won't get 1-hit by it. And from the sound and low rate of fire, you shouldn't die if you know what you are doing. Or you will, probably. But not by getting hit once.

You are complaining, don't pretend you aren't. We all complain, it is part of what humanity is. Complaining means you are trying to find a solution to the problem, and knowingly expressing the problem to others. This is a good thing.

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the leg breaking thing... happens all the time. my squad actually has a rule.....

if im prone and your prone, if you come within 5 meters of me im shooting you myself to teach you not to break my legs.

i like the ammo bug, but i think itd be better if the sniper on the hill by the firestation in elektro had to loot the nwaf to get his ammo.

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What bothers me the most at the moment are the tents, some of them work with saving gear, some of them are wiped every server restart and some of them only save once and duplicate items every restart. Theres probably like 20 AS50s, NVGS, Rangefinders and alot of other stuff from one of our tents. People know about this on our server and they go there as soon as they can after they spawn to get geared up.

Also just recently I noticed that any vechile we damage gets repaired 100% if we just exit it and enter it again.

Edited by Inzann

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My stance on this is fairly controversial, atleast i think it is... I do not give a shit about all these mishaps, and fixing them should absolutely NOT be a priority !! What should be is adding more stuff to the game! ... unfortunatly there are a lot of selfentitled consumers that feel they paid 18$ or so for Arma2 and deserve a full game, even if it's clear this is an alpha! ... thing is, all the whining of these entitled consumers has already put us into beta, and progress on the actual game has been halted for about a month already, if not more! ... all these bugs, exploits and hacks are no alpha concern, they are whiney entitled consumer concerns, concerns from consumers that can't even use a simple search on a forum to prevent them from posting something that has already been said 10+ times (not in regards to this thread though, although it might have), and it's starting to piss me off a bit ... but from experience and being told, i know most of humankind are basically dumbfucks and there is nothing going to change that fact, so everytime i am reminded of this I just shrug and sigh, and move on ...

So anyways, all these minor bugs, exploits, hacks should actually be ignored for now, the engine & mod should be pushed where ever it can, the experiment must continue, more ways to die, more things to spawn (to reduce other items from spawning), weight & stamina added to reduce running, inventory needs a major overhaul with less slots, mostly on toolbelt. There should be a learning by doing skill system, or any other skill system, perks perhaps, or better BOTH! test them, see if it works or not, and if not remove, if it does keep it in... moar moar moar stuff needs to be added untill the whole game just breaksdown, so 'we' all know how far we can push it !! Which stuff improves the game and which stuff wrecks it, who care about unlimited ammo in an alpha, we all knew it wasn't going to stay, but due to it being removed NOW, we miss that development time actually spend on ALPHA work ...

I am sorry if i may have offended somebody with some harsh words, you never know if somebody feels 'talked to' when you say something in a more general sense, but the OP wanted to know how other people feel about these things, and thus i wrote down my honest feelings about it ... my stance vs most of humankind has nothing to do with the value i see in them as humanbeings though, i respect all living things. But truth be told most of us just aint that bright, and the entitled whining is killing progress on the actual game development, because time is limited and can't be spend 2x ... beta is for bugs, that's why they both start with a B ... the only bug that an alpha can have is where it makes it so the game wont run, or so poorly you can't even test it, so even the current gfx glitch is NO ISSUE for an alpha !!

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My stance on this is fairly controversial... (cut down to save space)

Completely agree with you.

It is soooo annoing that so much time has to be wasted on making this game "playable". Rocket is shooting himself in the foot with this. He tries to give the "entitled" whiners "their" game, but at the same time, he slows down the progress to actually give them "their" full game.

should just completely ignore all the problems with people dying from stupid door things, or getting 1hit ko'ed by zombies and buttraped, and just crampack the game with what he want's in it. And then when he is happy with it, start trying to fix the evil doors, or Mike Tyson zombies!

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moar moar moar stuff needs to be added untill the whole game just breaksdown, so 'we' all know how far we can push it !! Which stuff improves the game and which stuff wrecks it, who care about unlimited ammo in an alpha, we all knew it wasn't going to stay, but due to it being removed NOW, we miss that development time actually spend on ALPHA work ...

The game already is broken every other patch, I think they're pushing it hard enough. The more things they add in the more the other things break, each new patch fixes a problem and causes 3 more. If they started adding in complicated things (which would basically require an entirely new game, not ARMA2) then we'd be back at EARLY alpha. A sort of skill tree is a fantastic idea, but would be nearly impossible to implement into a mod. Now, when/if it becomes a stand-alone game.....

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The way i see it is that in the past few weeks iv died a few times, and yesterday i finally got 1107 zombie which was by far a pb for me and my server, and then i was killed by a falling helicopter (have the video :P) so yes a hacker killed me, a few days before i was killed by some random rocks then before that it was stairs. I havnt died from bullets or zombies in ages, and its not like i dont see the action so the way i see it as long as i keep getting killed by down right stupid glitches i will continue to use whatever exploit the game gives to me which all i have used lately was the ammo glitch, so maybe rocket instead of fixing the exploits FOCUS ON THE GOD DAM HACKERS AND STUPID KILL GLITCHES.....i feel better now

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