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A Talk to All server admins

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Now it has become VERY apparent that many servers are being destroyed by hackers, and on the other end there are thos admins that completely lock thier servers which i do not fault them because of the rampant hackings, but again is unfortunately against the rules. there are also admin who lock their server to A-farm free loot and hop server and murder everyone or hack on their own server and hop servers and murder more ppl (you admins should burn in hell your one of the problems not a solution) i my self pay 40 dollars a month for my server and pray the day does not come where my own server is destroy by these pests. there are thos of you out there who own multiple servers or dedicated servers that can cost well over 200 dollars a month. The sad thing i do see is most player who complain and bitch because they are locked or get kick or others, where on my end if you on my server with over 200 ping your removed from my server cause of the lag strain it puts on me and my buddies.

Let me get to my point where im glad to host a server for players who cant pay for thier own to enjoy the game i welcome you with open arms to make my server your home i do have 20 constant player i know personally that play, it used to be 25 but thos 5 decided to try hacking and well i gave them a ban.

In all honesty we need to make a statement, yes this game is in Alpha i realize this, but Focusing on little bugs and adding things back into the game is not what you need, if your not going to do something bigger about problems like hackers your player base may just go to another game like "Warz" (if its any good).

In support of getting this fixed ALL server owners need to get together pick a day and just turn your server off. there is no rule you cant do that. turning your server off will not only starve players who complain all day about stuff they should not even be opening their mouths to speak about from playing their home server. it shows that without a loyal happy player base the game will stop and the Dec release they plan on will have to wait (which is way to damn early in the first place)

All in all it is this, We fork over the money to have server up and running you can play on and We are forced to fix them is hacker get their grubby hands on them, where as you a non owner gets to just leave the server and find a new one in about 3secs. To the player who don't own servers and support us in this i thank you very much your the player base we need to keep this game rolling along.

Feel free to comment on this as it is a rant, but if you honestly agree with me say so give me your beans lets do something about it instead of just posting "this (insert whatever here) need a change or fix"

Edited by iLLxTyphus
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What server do you own? I'd be interested in checking it out! I just logged off a server after a hacker joined and switched everyone's guns out.... kind of annoying since I had a DMR and a M4A1 CCO SD but managed to get it off my old pack that was randomly dropped luckily... didn't want the AS50 and a full backpack of med supplies!! So weird...

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Look i share the same thoughts, I come across hackers all the time. Every day i see a hacker, I am an ex clan member of a large clan that was always targeted. People knowing about my server and it being a safehaven for the clan once up on a time became a slaughter house. I dont mind a legit fair fire fight, But when im in my Ural, Rolling down the runway god knows why, When i hear a HE i go FUCK, But when i hear one that sounds like a sewing machine (100's going off) im like great...... Look im always banning people always turning off my server because of the fear someone will randomly TP to my base and steal everything or blow it up. And im afraid because its gonna be the 3rd time. What ever the DayZ team says about banning people from MY OWN SERVER why dont they spend $50 a month for 200 servers and suck it up. I know many server owners who kick all randoms so their mates just play etc. Never had anything done about it. People that ban others cause they rape them, Find their base under legit terms. If some fuckwit comes on my server with hacks, Its a shame i can grab their IP and Boot it offline.

So IDK there is the DayZ dream and the reality which they have not left the dream yet.

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What server do you own? I'd be interested in checking it out! I just logged off a server after a hacker joined and switched everyone's guns out.... kind of annoying since I had a DMR and a M4A1 CCO SD but managed to get it off my old pack that was randomly dropped luckily... didn't want the AS50 and a full backpack of med supplies!! So weird...

GTFO your not a server owner just a randomin the thread dude.

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Vengeance im always sketched out about getting TP'ed on and losing everything idk if i could continue paying for my server if it happens we spend many man hours setting up our camp, we dont even hoard the cars cause i want to see them used everyday by players

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GTFO your not a server owner just a randomin the thread dude.

Right... and what was wrong with what I said? I support the OP on this. Hackers are rampant in this game at the moment and it kinda kills it. If he has a server that has been hacker free up till this point why would I not ask for the name and want to play on it? Isn't it a good thing to get more legit players on his server?

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Right... and what was wrong with what I said? I support the OP on this. Hackers are rampant in this game at the moment and it kinda kills it. If he has a server that has been hacker free up till this point why would I not ask for the name and want to play on it? Isn't it a good thing to get more legit players on his server?

Your asking for his server, You might a be a trolling hacker to go and fuck his day up even more. People are sick fucks on the internet.

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settle down if he is a hacker i have is fourm name now and i fraps everything and i have logs so im sure hes not that dumb

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settle down if he is a hacker i have is fourm name now and i fraps everything and i have logs so im sure hes not that dumb

Well i would hope so..

People lack the logic sometimes.

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Careful, Curgon will pop in here, tell you are lucky and should be honored to pay your money to host, then lock the thread.

Pick a day, I will gladly turn mine off.

Edited by jskibo
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We would need more then 3 servers we would need quite a few but i thank the support

Edited by iLLxTyphus

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My server is already turned off as it been hacked 3 times today alone. I was agianst locking the servers but it's impossable to give any kind feedback when you really can't control anything.

Edited by MadHatter

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Bumping for more PR currently 5 servers pledged, if yu pledge please keep your notifications on this thread

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Now im reading that if we as Owners turn off our servers the the Devs have a right to wipe our servers of everything, this is out of hand now. basicly the Dev just spit in our face for protecting our servers and claim that ppl who turn of the servers are protecting a hoard!!!!!!!!

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I fully support you, you have my beans good sir! I most of the time have no hackers on my server and If I do find one they're gone forever.

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As a recent victim of "The Thunder Dome" I support this. Let me know that date and I will shut down.

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Now im reading that if we as Owners turn off our servers the the Devs have a right to wipe our servers of everything, this is out of hand now. basicly the Dev just spit in our face for protecting our servers and claim that ppl who turn of the servers are protecting a hoard!!!!!!!!

I can see less and less people hosting servers then, we support this mod my spending hard earnt cash to have no control what so ever paying for a server that is getting hacked constantly. I dont mind paying for my server i support this mod fully but this new wave of hacking on servers needs to be sorted out before thewarz is released cuz i can see alot of clans moving to that game if the anti-cheat system is better

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I think you are barking up the wrong tree.

You might have heard of the game Arma 2, its name has been mentioned a few times on these forums. DayZ is a mod of that game, I hope this is not news to anyone here.

As you may or may not know, Rocket and the DayZ team has a limited options to prevent and catching hackers. The mod is not at fault here, it's game that the mod is running on.

I'm fairly certain that Rocket knows that the game is nothing without its players and shutting down the servers will only cause him more troubles (qq rage on the forums, etc) and do no good.

If you want to actually do something, go to the Arma 2 forums, contact BIS or BE and ask them to do something. Hurting DayZ (the mod, remember?) isn't going to help anyone, go to the source of the problem.

This is like going to a restaurant and raging at the waiter because the chefs fucked up..

IMO, shutting down the servers = hackers win, even though it's only temporary.

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hi im in on this maybe we should all get on skype to discuss this together more add me jjrayv15 owner of uk218 i had my server 4 days and got reported last night for kicking hackers check this link

http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52854-admin-abusecheating-and-locking-the-server/ absolute bollocks the guys that are kicked were instantly spawning themselves in elektro unreal

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I think you are barking up the wrong tree.

You might have heard of the game Arma 2, its name has been mentioned a few times on these forums. DayZ is a mod of that game, I hope this is not news to anyone here.

As you may or may not know, Rocket and the DayZ team has a limited options to prevent and catching hackers. The mod is not at fault here, it's game that the mod is running on.

I'm fairly certain that Rocket knows that the game is nothing without its players and shutting down the servers will only cause him more troubles (qq rage on the forums, etc) and do no good.

If you want to actually do something, go to the Arma 2 forums, contact BIS or BE and ask them to do something. Hurting DayZ (the mod, remember?) isn't going to help anyone, go to the source of the problem.

This is like going to a restaurant and raging at the waiter because the chefs fucked up..

IMO, shutting down the servers = hackers win, even though it's only temporary.

Thank god someone else gets it. This is exactly it. I'm a server owner, I get the frustration as I'm experiencing it too. But the issue is NOT with the DayZ staff, other then that they may be going a bit far with limiting our control over our servers. I see TONS of complaints like these on this forum, but when I look at the BIS forums, barely 1 complaint a day. All go to their forum and continue bitching there so someone might listen!

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