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1st Annual(?) Day Z Games!

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Little idea that popped up on IRC, how about a Day Z competition? This is a discussion, so contribute what ideas/tweaks you have!

The rough idea is this :

10 Squads/Teams of 3 people go into a locked server, and they have to survive/win.

The server is set to expert, and loot respawn is turned off. Once loot spawns in a location, that's it, nothing respawns.

EDIT : Forgot to mention, there is no respawn for players either. Death = out of competition.

Time played is kind of a contention, so my suggestion is that the competition lasts 7 days, with a 5 hour window each day. When that window closes, the server password is changed so that no one can maneuver/loot during off-time. I know everyone is in a different timezone, so squad building will have to be planned out carefully.

If at the end of the 7 days, there is more than one squad left standing, a scoring system will need to be implemented to determine the winner.

Prize can be bragging rights or whatever.


Edited by Kophka

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Sounds more like something to be organized in general discussion rather than suggestions. But, it does sound really cool and if one was organized I'd give it a go.

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What method of choosing the time zone should be used? A poll maybe? Maybe GMT -2 for a pretty even split between Euro and NA/SA players?

No matter which time zone we use, should the "window" be 5pm server time to 10pm server time? That would give 3 hours of light and 2 hours of dark, for a more intense competition, and allow strategies involving flare baiting and finding nvg's, wouldn't it?

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I posted it under suggestions because it's something that will have to be handled at a Developer level I think. For something like this to go off, it would need to be supported by the Devs indirectly at the very least, Things like locked servers, loot respawning turned off, perma-death is perma, are all no-no's at a server admin level. I'm hoping Rocket or someone will see this and run with it, hence placing it in "Suggestions". :)

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I like the idea alot. the only downsides i can think of would be

1: The spawning.

Is everyone gonna spawn around cherno/electro like normal? If they did it would just be a battle of the axes, the first person or group to find axes/pistols/guns clears everyone out right at the beginning.

Or is everyone gonna spawn randomly throughout the map, Giving people who get a luckier spawn a better advantage?

2: If loot doesnt respawn then areas like NW airfield/NE Airfield/Other highly contested areas would be less likely to be explored because once one group gets there they take everything good and probably just wait for other people to foolishly try and get there (but most people would eventually give up on those areas because they know they are dangerous), and people would begin just hoarding food then going somewhere in the middle of nowhere and just camp.

Edited by Shadoww
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I like the idea alot. the only downsides i can think of would be

1: The spawning.

Is everyone gonna spawn around cherno/electro like normal? If they did it would just be a battle of the axes, the first person or group to find axes/pistols/guns clears everyone out right at the beginning.

Or is everyone gonna spawn randomly throughout the map, Giving people who get a luckier spawn a better advantage?

2: If loot doesnt respawn then areas like NW airfield/NE Airfield/Other highly contested areas would be less likely to be explored because once one group gets there they take everything good and probably just wait for other people to foolishly try and get there (but most people would eventually give up on those areas because they know they are dangerous), and people would begin just hoarding food then going somewhere in the middle of nowhere and just camp.

Yeah, the spawning might need to be reworked, but then again, maybe not. It would suck to be one of the teams eliminated early, but it sure would make for some cool news/video/drama.

Yeah, people are going to horde, but like mentioned before, maybe a scoring system, with kills being the major way to get points. Player and Zombie kills being the major scoring factor would push people to get out and do something, increasing the chances that they run into another squad.

There's a whole lot the Devs can do here to make this awesome, it'd be a good showcase for the mod I think. :)

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