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Weirdest Thing Just Happened

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I was in Berezino, doing my thing, I start to make my way to a Deer Stand to the north, all on a sudden this guy in a ghillie suit runs up to me. I say hello then a zombie which was chasing him turns up, the guy types 'shoot me', so I do and then shoot the zombie. He says thanks on chat and that's it.

I raid his corpse and this guy has everything I need, NV, GPS, Toolbox ect. So thanks for that weird 5mins.

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P.S I couldn't get the ghillie suit, how do you get ghillie suits? Never seen one on the floor.

Edited by bfifty_2

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Why does this never happens to me. Lucky basterd.

He must have been following me. strange he had no gun though. he had cooked meat, food, ect. Soo random.

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hahahaha this is awesome..

yeah hate the thing about not being able to pick up gillie suites from dead players...

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