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US 875 Hacking Players.

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US 875. Time. 1:30-1:30PM. Players by the name of Eugene, Bubblecum, and Raysins were witnessed by both me and multiple members of my clan, hacking. First they were at our campsite way in the north, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. They took our vehicles and guns. This is no problem, I understand random encounters. However, this story does not end here. We then respawned both near Cherno, and as we began to restart our DayZ experience, they are all here. Suddenly in the city, running around and killing us with our guns. We managed to fire multiple rounds into them, and yet no sign of bleeding, no broken bones, one of our clan members even got the jump on them and laid several rounds from a high vantage point. They however still showed no signs of being hurt or dying. My second respawn happened again in Cherno, and I actively witnessed one of them teleporting around. And then "mysteriously" my clanmate repeatedly dying over and over again. We do have a Fraps video of one of our clanmates unloading an entire magazine into one of them, and still no damage to either of them.

Edit: He was also using an MG-36. Which I believe is not in DayZ, but in Arma 2.

Edited by That1Drunk

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