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This is just a couple ideas I came up with, whether it is stupid or not i'd like an opinion on it.

1) camouflaged nets. this would be something that would be very usful for laying down camouflage for vehicles teammates, really this would serve very little purpose against zombies but it would be an easy way to hid valuables from bandits as you go scavenge a town.

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I do like the notion, and they have them in Arma II. Maybe in a way that if you are far away they are unnoticeable, but up close they are easier to spot. Been saying the same thing to one of my buddies as well. It is somewhat easy to conceal smaller vehicles, but larger ones are much harder (as a given). On another out look of it, that might be what the game is going for you have to work harder to hide bigger things. Its a hard thing to call for. But I like the idea.

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well I figured it would be used more for a long distance use. Just because I have seen people post security on there precious vehicles while others search a town, I see this as a way for a solo player to maybe store items on his own and bikes or vehicles in the tree lines.

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